Chapter 1- Starting with a BANG 💥

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Far Far away in the land of Shambhala, the glorious Kingdom of KALKI...

Kalki : DAU!!!

Sesha:*muttering* : oh dear lord..

Shesha : What?!!

Kalki : I'm Bored....

Sesha : AGAIN?!!!

Kalki: * nods in a yes* : Let's do something cool and adventurous!!

Sesha : really ?.. do u remember what u did to Ashwatthama..when u were bored...

Kalki : what ?? Did I do..?

Shesha : U don't remember?!!!

Kalki : no....

Sesha :😑

Sesha : let me tell u...


In a random forest,

Ashwatthama was roaming around freely

Ashwatthama: thank God my wounds are healing...

Suddenly he hears a sound...

Ashwatthama: what the heck was that ?..

Ashwatthama was confused, he started looking here and there...

Ashwatthama : i must be imagining..

He again heard that sound...

Ashwatthama : WHO IS THAT??!!

Person : hi

Ashwatthama turns around, and he was shocked

Ashwatthama: Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! What in the WORLD!!!!!

Kalki *in Krishna's form*: he he

Ashwatthama runs away...


Kalki bursts out laughing...


Kalki was a laughing mess, Sesha rolled his eyes,

Sesha : really bro, like really??

Kalki : *in between laughs*: oh lord , i think I need to do that again, but this time I will become RAM...

Sesha : WHAT ?!!, Ok don't u dare, Ashwatthama is having fever since he randomly found Krishna in the middle of nowhere, Poor thing is still confused on how did Krishna randomly came in Kaliyuga.... I think we need to pay him a visit..

Kalki : DAU !, I have an idea....


Kalki : Dau , listen to me first and then speak.. I think we need to go to a trip...

Sesha : uhh?? A... A road trip?..…

Kalki : No an adventurous trip...

Sesha : I can see Where this is going...

Kalki : I wish to go back to time....

Sesha : WHAT!!? ARE U MAD??! WHY ??

Kalki : u know.... I just wish to go back to the peaceful days...eating makkhan... Vibing with PARTH...

Sesha : and bringing a collosal headache to the family...

Kalki : 😑

Kalki : hey!!! , I am not a headache... I am the most peaceful, lovely, helpful, smart , cute little brother...

Sesha : I don't know what to say....

Kalki : please...

Sesha : noo

Kalki : pleaseeeeeee

Sesha : .........

Kalki : pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sesha : k... K ..fine u can go

Kalki : U also come with me DAU!!!

Sesha : What???!

Kalki : I don't want to be alone naa...

Sesha : so are u not turning into a soul ...and u know , get inside Krishna's body...

Kalki : no.... Now we are going to live a seperate life.....

Kalki : U know , Indrajit can come with us ....

Sesha : did u tell him ??

Kalki : no....

Sesha : BEST...

Kalki : let me go and te-

Indrajit comes out of nowhere with Aditya...

Indrajit : I saw a Monster on the way and I killed him by shooting only a single arrow...

Aditya: I killed two demons with a single arrow... Boo you...

Indrajit:😑: i learned from the most powerful guru's of all the time, PARSHURAM!!

Aditya: I was his shishya before u.... Booooo

Kalki and Sesha :😑

Indrajit: Hi sesh bhaiya... Hi , MADHAV ( he still calls Kalki, Madhav)

Aditya: how ya doin Mr Horse rider...

Kalki : Doin fine....

Aditya: ayeee...

Sesha and Indrajit : 😑

Indrajit : so what were u guys discussing...

Kalki :* tells his plans *

Indrajit: I am IN!!!!

Aditya:ME TO!!

Sesha :....... Let's go....

* Teleports to Padmanabhaswamy temple's B- Vault*

Kalki : U ready??

Indrajit and Aditya: Already, ready!!

Sesha : oh dear lord....these guy's will never change....

Shesha chants random mantras and a portal appears ....

Sesha : k guys all the BEST!!

Then they all enter the portal.... be continued ~~

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