Chapter 5 - A Journey To Dwarka 🧭

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Indrajit was Exited as hell and so did Aditya... Because they themselves couldn't believe that they are going to The Golden City of Dwarka... Krishna noticed that there was a change in Arjun's Behaviour... He usually Does a Bragging Competition with Karna.. but now they are acting like Siblings...
Kalki smiled hearing his thoughts ..

Kalki: Of course they are Siblings Krishna bhaiyya (even I don't have any idea why is he calling Krishna, Krishna bhaiyya)

Sesha : RAM...

Kalki: Yes... Jyesht...

Sesha : u are literally sitting here and reading ur own mind and hearing ur own thoughts...

Kalki :🤨

Sesha : Because Krishna is literally You!!

Kalki: I am Not Krishna...

Sesha : U were Krishna...

Kalki: DAU! I am not Krishna, But I am Krishna....

Sesha : Ur literally eating my brain bruh.....

Kalki: like , we are similar because we are avatars of Lord Vishnu... And our wives are Avatars of Devi Lakshmi. But we are different,like, Krishna took avatar in Dwapar yug... While I took birth in Kaliyug... He loves peaceful things while I love Violence...

Sesha : ........

KALKI : Do u understand that we have our own differences Dau??...

Sesha : yup..

Back to Indrajit..

Indrajit & other's reached Dwarka , he was In Awe on seeing the beauty of this Kingdom, he really appreciated Vishwakarma's work...

Aditya: Damn, she's a beauty..

Indrajit: Whoa...

Krishna: paarth...

Indrajit: Yes Madhav...

Balram: are u both coming inside or will u stand here only?..

Aditya: well... Guess what he gonna stay here and welcome the guests...

Indrajit: Shut UP!!

Aditya: 😏

Krishna: Ok Stop it Both of u !!


Indrajit and Aditya gulped... They silently moved on like an obedient child...

They then reached the palace Entrance.. there was a group of people. He saw a women holding the aarti, whom he assumed as it was Devaki.. They first greeted Rukmini and Krishna as they were the couple to be... Then She did the Aarti of Aditya and Indrajit..

Devaki : How r u putra?

Indrajit: I am fine mata..

Vaasudev: How is my sister... Is she fine??

Indrajit: Mata is fine... Everyone is fine..

Rohini : ok then-

Person : Mata... Did u forget to introduce me??

Indrajit saw a princess.... Coming near Rohini , as he got a glimpse of her , he was lost.... She was Beautiful, she was looking like a Goddess who came to earth from the heavens.. Aditya smirked by seeing Indrajit's lost face... He came near him and nudged him , making Indrajit come back from his Dreamland..

Rohini:.. Putra , this is subhadra...

  Indrajit Noticed that she was also blushing

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  Indrajit Noticed that she was also blushing...

Indrajit: Pranipat...

Subhadra: Pranipat Rajkumar Arjun...

Indrajit: * smiles* ( I am ded)

Aditya:*inner voice*: oh Bhai-Bhai..what the hell is happening here.. my brother, who had taken a Oath that he will remain single for his lifetime. Is looking like a tomato... Hey bhagwan...

Kalki : u know that it is not going to happen...

Sesha : Yeah, Arjun can't remain single for a life time...

Aditya: that is also true..

Devaki: Daasi , show Arjun and Karna thier chambers.. Rukmini come here putri.. I can lead u to ur chamber...

Indrajit leaves to his chamber.. Subhadra and Indrajit was lost...
Aditya then Pushed Indrajit.. Indrajit glared at him.. Subhadra laughed.. Krishna smiled..


Kalki : And... The Epic Love Story Begins...

Sesha : yup... But.. ram.. I need to ask u something...

Kalki : what is is Dau?

Sesha : when are we going to meet them?

Kalki : soon...

Shankar: Oyy... Mata is calling u..

Kalki : Coming...

Then Kalki, Sesha and Shankar goes to a locked room , and they saw 2 bows , placed in front of the Idol of Ram.. a box was also kept there... Kaushalya and Dasharath smiled seeing them..

Kalki recognised the bow... That bow belongs to Shree Ram.. He remembered how his Guru gave him this bow when he completed his Education.. the Second bow belongs to Lakshman..

Kalki: maa why did u call us?

Kaushalya: putron, this bows Belongs To prince Rama and lakshmana...

Dasharath: It is said that , This bow only belongs to whom is it worthy... So we think that This belongs to u putra...
But I can't lift it...

Kalki: why?

Dasharath: Because it can only be lifted by Prince Rama...

Kalki smiled... He went towards that bow he gently caressed it with his hand.. he then prayed, Then he lifted as if it was nothing... And so did sesha..

Dasharath:*Happy*: U Are Worthy!!! I am Proud Of U putron...

Kaushalya: here take this...

She then gave a box to them...

Kalki was confused..

Kalki: what is this maa?

Kaushalya: open it and see putra..

Kalki nods and leaves to his chamber. He sat on his bed and slowly opened it .

Kalki: WHAT?!!


Indrajit was sitting in his room... Lost in the thoughts of Subhadra.. Suddenly Aditya came out of nowhere and sat near him

Aditya: BRO!!

Indrajit: WHAT???!


Indrajit: I don't think it will happen...

Aditya: Wow , U are SO HONEST...

Indrajit: Thank u

Aditya: I didn't expect u to fall in love Bhai...

Indrajit: WHAT?!!

Aditya: Kya hua?

Indrajit: LOVE?!!

Aditya: Haan Bhai , u are in love...

Indrajit: I am not in Love... I was.. u know.. Kinda Interested in her ..

Aditya:*mimicking him* : Interested in her....

Indrajit: I AM NOT IN LOVE


he then leaves the chamber.. Indrajit was annoyed... He - Fall in love... Never gonna happen..

Kalki smirked hearing his thoughts..

Kalki: we will see...

~sorry for such a boring chapter guys

To be continued..

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