Chapter 4 - An Epic Elope ❤️

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Indrajit & Krishna was standing a few distance away from the City of Vidharbha. Indrajit Noticed that Krishna was staring at the Palace of Vidharbha. Indrajit had never seen this side of Krishna, he smiled...

Indrajit: So... U got any plans?

Krishna looked at Indrajit with a mischievous smile . And that's when Indrajit felt something is going to happen...

Krishna: Paarth.... I think we need to go in Disguise......

Indrajit: what Disguise??

Krishna: I can become a Cow herder...

Indrajit: And... What about me....

Krishna smiled......

Palace Entrance

The palace Entrance was Guarded by so many guards.... , And there came a Cow herder...

The Guards looked at him.

Guard : Who are u??

Gopal : I am Gopal, Umm I am a cow herder coming from Mathura....

Guard : why are u here ?

Gopal: I have come here to give , a Prasad to the princess.....

Guard: U Can't Enter....

Gopal: But , This is the Prasad provided by Maharishi Durvasa... He won't be happy if he knew that His Prasad is rejected....

The Guards Gulped...

Guard : ok u can get in... But leave this place as soon as possible.... Or else we will Kick u out...

Gopal : Thank u...

Gopal :  Oyy... Brihanalla!! Come fast...

Then there came a lady .. she was looking Gorgeous...

Gopal: She is my Sister Brihanalla...

Brihanalla: Pranipat


They then entered the palace, Indrajit noticed the maniac smile of Krishna...
He smiled..

Krishna: go.... And tell Rukmini that I will be waiting on the Parvati Mandir...

Indrajit: is it really Maharishi Durvasa's Prasad??

Krishna glared at him..

Krishna:why are u suspecting me paarth? This is actually maharishi Durvasa's prasad I personally went to him and brought it ....

Indrajit: oh waaw Madhav... U are madly in Love with Her....

Krishna: *Blushing*:Now go paarth...And Bring my Wife Very Fast.....

He gave the Prasad and Left...

Indrajit: Phew...

Kalki: Parth... I love ur new look....

Indrajit: Shut Up Madhav!!

Kalki: *ignoring him like a pro* : I think I need to tell mata to look for a groom for u ..


Sesha : Whoa... Is this really u Indra??


Kalki: all the Best Paarth

Indrajit took a deep breath. And went forward but got stalled by RUKMI....

Indrajit:*inner voice* : Oyy Maa this Half Taklu ... What should I do now.... Hey Madhav help me out....

Rukmi : Who are u??

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