Chapter 6 - An Invitation 📨

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Indrajit became more connected with the yadav family... Rukmini and Krishna got happily married, Everything was going well.... 

Indrajit was sitting on a swing...

Indrajit: Subhadra.....

Kalki : looks like someone is lost somewhere....

Indrajit: Madhav.... I think I am in love...

Kalki: wow... That was an honest confession.....

Indrajit smiles

Suddenly Subhadra came there and saw Indrajit smiling like an Idiot...

Subhadra : R-rajkumar Arjun...

Indrajit jolted , and was surprised as he saw Subhadra near him... He slightly blushed...

Indrajit: hi..

Subhadra : ??

Indrajit: I-I mean .. Pranipat Rajkumari...

Subhadra: You can call me Subhadra.... *Blushes*

Indrajit: And u can also call me by my name... Subhadrey...

Subhadra was a blushing mess... She never expected him to call her like that...

Subhadra: Why are u sitting here Arjun?...

Indrajit: it's nothing... I just needed some fresh air...

Subhadra: mm

Indrajit: why are u here?

Subhadra: I saw you sitting here alone and... I thought to give u company...

Indrajit was surprised... He wanted to dance in happiness... But he covered it up..

Indrajit: Thank u Subhadrey...(😏)

Subhadra: ☺️

Suddenly Aditya came and saw the Love birds looking lost...

Aditya: ARJUN!!!!!

They both jolted... Indrajit literally jumped.. and fell down... Subhadra laughed...


Indrajit: Jyesht!! U destroyed the moment !

Aditya: what moment?...

Indrajit: we were talking to each other.. I was about to Confess her... And u just popped out of nowhere..and ruined it!!

Aditya: Damn chill mah boi... U got time...

Indrajit: What time??!!

Aditya: IDK..


Subhadra: Are u ok Arjun?

Indrajit looked at her and smiled... He was still laying on the floor

 He was still laying on the floor

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