4. Hypothermia

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It wasn't long before Lena was fast asleep next to Bella and Jasper. The vampires had acted like they had all fallen asleep but once they we're absolutely sure Lena was dreaming they climbed out of their sleeping bags silently. Jasper sat next to his sleeping beauty and had to restrain from stroking her soft brown hair. He was finally starting to understand why Edward went to Bella's every night to watch her sleep. "I heard you all talking about miss Lena while I was upstairs with her and I hate to say it but I think you all are right. She's littered with old bruises and scars." Caroline spoke oh so quietly so she didn't wake the humans in the room. Jasper sucked in a breath at that. He stood to his feet and was going to go handle her father on his own but Alice caught his hand. She had been looking in the future for a solution. "You can't do that. I've seen that clearly. It does not end well. You will never see her again." She warned. "I can't just let him hurt her." Jasper sneered through ground teeth. "None of us can sweetheart but we also don't want you to lose her. This is the first I've seen you this happy." Esme offered.
With some more persuasion he came back to Lena's side and very carefully ran a thumb over her cheek. She smiled in her sleep but didn't wake. "So what do we do?"
The family ran through scenario after scenario all of which Alice turned down for this reason or that. That continued until the sun rose and they still didn't have a solution. Lena woke the next morning and jumped when she saw everyone looking at her "good morning?" She groaned as she sat up rubbing her eyes. "Sorry you just sleep so peacefully." Esme smiled at the girl. "We made breakfast. Bella mentioned you liked chocolate chip waffles." Lena crawled out of her sleeping bag a bit groggily but she smiled at Esme. "I love anything chocolate. Thank you, you've all been so kind." She ran her fingers through her hair. "You're welcome sweetheart. We want you to feel at home here." Esme wrapped one arm around the girls shoulder, squeezing lightly. "Come on dove. Let's take June bug upstairs to get cleaned up." Caroline took Alice by the hand. "I couldn't impose on you again. I think I've borrowed from your closet enough for one day." Lena bit her bottom lip as she considered putting on the clothes she came in but wasn't too thrilled about smelling of smoke from the fire. "Oh nonsense. Alice stocks all of our closets every season. I have plenty I never even wear." Caroline whisked the girl upstairs. "Here is everything you could possibly need for a shower if you want to take one." She handed Lena a caddy with shampoo, conditioner, loofah, towel, brush, and other personal care supplies. "Esme keeps some spares around just in case we have guests." Or she had since her boys had started to bring home humans. Alice showed Lena the way to the bathroom. "I'll pick you out something to wear." Lena was about to protest but Alice beat her to it. "Don't worry about it you'll look fabulous. Go on." Lena sighed and went into the gorgeous bathroom. She enjoyed her shower, letting the warm water run over her bruised body. It was nice to be in a place she felt so safe. She actually slept without terrible nightmares even though she slept on the floor. Lena left the shower smelling like fresh peaches and vanilla and before she wrapped up in the towel Alice left she looked in the mirror at herself. The bruises were yellowing but new ones were flowering in other places. She had to push some tears back as she turned away from the mirror. The clothes Alice chose were entirely ostentatious. She put on a red sweater that had a deep sweetheart neckline that was nearly entirely backless, tight fitting black jeggings, and heeled booties. Alice had even thrown in a black bow for her hair. She tied half her soft curls back into the bow and put on a bit of makeup before she descended the stairs. Her caught Jaspers when she was about half way down. Emmett wolf whistled at her. Which made her blush and lose her balance. Luckily, Jasper was there to catch her before she fell. "My hero." She said once again with a bright smile. His touch sent little sparks of electricity through her. Jasper smiled back. "He's not wrong you know? You look beautiful as always." That made Lena turn tomato red.
Lena sat down to breakfast alongside Bella but she couldn't help but notice they were the only two eating. She chewed and thought about other things about the Cullen family. They were all so cold to the touch, unnaturally so, and they all had the same color eyes even though the only ones that were blood related were Jasper, Caroline, and Rosalie. She wasn't about to start asking questions though. She liked the Cullen family and didn't want to risk ostracizing herself.
After almost spending the full day at the Cullen house, Lena decided she should probably head home before her dad. She would be sure to have dinner on the table for him tonight. Jasper drove her home after she gave his family all hugs goodbye. "I love your whole family. Esme is so sweet." Lena told him once they were alone in his car. Jasper smirked "I think it's safe to say they love you too." And boy was he happy about that. He was starting to come around to the idea that he may just be in love with this girl.
That night Lena had dinner on the table when her dad came storming in. "What are you thinking Kalena? You spent the night with a boy? You said you were with Bella!" He yelled. "I- how did you know?" She asked backing herself into a corner. "I came home early and there I see my daughter in the car with a boy. So I followed him. That's when I realize it's not just any boy but my colleague's son. My competition at work. How embarrassing." He was inches from her face but in that moment Lena didn't care. "You followed Jasper home? You didn't- you didn't do anything to him did you?" Her heart was beating so fast. If he hurt Jasper she would never forgive herself. "You're worried if I did something to your little boyfriend? Kalena I swear-" she cut him off. "No dad. I swear if you touched him I will not stop until every single person knows everything you've done! You killed my mom! You hurt me everyday! Stay away from him! Stay away from all of them!" That was a bad idea. Her father picked up the wrought iron fire poker and beat her the worst he ever had. After he was done he threw her outside in the cold. It was snowing hard. Lena forced herself up to her feet even though everything felt broken. She had to find help. She had to find out if Jasper was okay. She didn't make it very far before she collapsed in the street. She was so weak, so tired.
Everything went black.

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