5. Charlie

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Charlie was on patrol when he saw someone laying in the middle of the road. He stopped his patrol car and ran out to check to see what was going on. He realized it was Kalena Thorsten, a girl that had been like a daughter to him. "Shit." He muttered as he called for an ambulance over his radio. He did whatever he could to help the girl before paramedics arrived. He climbed in the back with her as he tried to call her father with no luck. They arrived at the hospital where Charlie saw Carlisle Cullen. "What happened? She left my house just hours ago." He asked bewildered. "I don't know I found her like this. I- I have to call Bella. I can't get a hold of her father. I think he may have done this to her." Charlie was astonished. He had no idea Warren was abusing his daughter. He should've known. He did the same to June, but she always denied it. "I'm so sorry Lena." He whispered before Carlisle took her into surgery. He called Bella who came to the hospital with every other Cullen in tow. Bella ran to her father. "What happened?" She asked "I found her in the street looking like she'd been beaten half to death. Carlisle has her in surgery now. So far she has six broken ribs, a broken arm, punctured lung and a slew of contusions. I had a squad car sent to her house. They found her father in a puddle of his own blood. She fought him back as hard she could. He seems to be fine, sitting in a prison cell." He explained. His daughter broke down in tears. Edward wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Is she going to be okay?" He asked Charlie. "Carlisle isn't sure yet. His nurse told me that he said if she comes out of surgery she will be okay. I've got to go take care of her father but I'll be back." Charlie hugged his daughter before he left the hospital.
Jasper felt himself shaking. He shouldn't have left her. He felt angry, scared, sad, a whole range of his own emotions. "I didn't see this coming." Alice said almost soundlessly. "I was watching her future as best as I could but I never saw this." She shook her head and Caroline pulled her in. "It isn't your fault."
Hours passed on as Jasper paced back and forth. They hadn't heard anything about Lena's condition since Charlie left. It took everything in him to not to walk into the operating room and sit by Lena's side. "You're going to wear a hole in the floor if you don't quite that." Rosalie looked up at her brother. She wasn't the biggest fan of having another human in their lives but she never wanted anything bad to happen. Lena was secretly starting to grow on her. "I don't care about the damn floor Rose. The girl I love is lying on a hospital bed and I don't know if she's even alive." He growled. "She is alive. She gave us a scare but she pulled through. We've got her in the ICU and she's up and asking for you Jasper. She thinks her father may have hurt you." Carlisle explained before he led Jasper back to Lena. Everyone protested, wanting to come see her but Carlisle thought it was best not to overwhelm the girl. When Lena saw Jasper she tried to get up. "Hey hey hey. Don't do that. You'll rip your stitches." Carlisle warned her. Jasper came over to her side and gingerly took her hand. "I was so worried about you." Lena said through cracked lips. "Me? Lena I'm fine. I wish your dad would've tried something with me. He wouldn't have.." He shook his head as his words trailed off. "He's been doing this for a while. Hasn't he?" Lena paused for a moment then nodded carefully. "He told me if I told anyone he'd kill me..just like he did my mother." She admitted. Tears flooded her eyes. Everything hurt even though she had an IV of pain medication. Jasper carefully slid in bed next to her, making damn sure he didn't disturb her or the tubes and wire's connected to her. Lena sobbed into his chest. She was free of her father but she didn't know where she would go. The only family she had was a grandmother in California and she did not want to leave her life in Forks. "You're okay darlin. He's not going to hurt you anymore. I'm going to keep you safe." Jasper promised her.
Slowly Bella and Alice snuck in after giving Jasper and Lena some space. Lena was fast asleep against Jasper's chest. "Oh my god. That monster." Bella came next to her friend's bedside just shocked at her condition. "Don't wake her. She just fell asleep." Jasper kissed the top of Lena's head. He had no plans of leaving her side for quite some time.

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