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Several weeks had passed with no major events other than Edward asking Bella to be his girlfriend although Lena already figured that was coming. Her and Jasper still had Finley to care for even though the official assignment was over. They still liked having shared custody of their now pet and it gave Jasper an excuse to still come see Lena without asking her on a date. He just wasn't ready yet and she didn't seem to be either.
Lena was finally allowed to have her cast off her arm and was even allowed back to school. Rumors had spread like wildfire though and everyone knew that her dad was sitting in prison waiting on a trial. Thankfully no one seemed to bother her about it except Jessica Stanley. She practically drug Lena to her lunch table. She looked longingly at her usual spot between Jasper and Bella. "Crazy stuff with your dad, right? I heard he hit you with fire iron." Jessica chatted casually like it was nothing. Lena sat back in her seat and blinked at her. "I knew there was something I didn't like about him. He did my physical and he was so rude. Can you believe that?" Jessica looked at her actually expecting a response. Lena cleared her throat. "Oh my gosh I can't believe he was rude to you. So sorry Jess. You know what he did to me? One time he took my hand and held it on our electric stove until I apologized to him. Oh and he threw me down a flight of steps for my seventeenth birthday. My personal favorite though was when he broke my jaw for bringing home a B on a test." Jessica was left awe struck as Lena got up and walked over to her normal seat. "That was freaking awesome Lena." Emmett high fived the girl. "She needs to learn to mind her own business." Lena nodded. "All true things he's done to me but it felt good to see her shut her damn mouth."
After that she wasn't hungry nor had she been for a few days. She also felt a bit feverish. Nothing she couldn't handle, probably just a stomach bug coming on. Right? But by the end of lunch hour she was feeling very lousy. "You feeling okay?" Jasper asked Lena as he leaned over and touched her forehead. "You're burning up." Lena leaned into Jasper's cold hand. "I think I need to go home." She felt like she needed to sleep for a hundred years. "I'll take you. Alice handle it with the office would you?" Jasper asked as he snagged Lena's keys to her Cadillac. He helped her to her car and then to her bed. Jasper was about to leave her be when Lena grabbed his arm. "Please stay with me until I fall asleep. I'm so warm." She asked with puppy dog eyes. That Jasper couldn't refuse. He crawled into bed next to her "As you wish June bug." He wrapped his arms around her and let her nuzzle into his chest. He stayed there well after she had fallen asleep. It was soothing to have her so close to him. The burn in his throat didn't even bother him too much anymore. It helped that he was feeding more frequently to be around her safely. Jasper heard Charlie coming home and decided it was about time he should head out. "Sleep well love." He whispered almost soundlessly before he slipped out the window.
At the Cullen house, Alice was dusting around the house, flitting about at a fast pace when suddenly she stopped caught up in a vision. She gasped, catching the attention of the other vampires lounging around. "What is it dove?" Caroline asked grasping her girlfriend's hand. "Lena." Jaspers head perked at the name of the girl he had grown quite fond of recently. "She-she's a wolf. But I can still see her. It doesn't make sense to me." Alice shook her head. "But Lena isn't a decent of the Quileute pack." Bella pointed at as she got up and came close to Alice's side. "I saw it. She was running in the woods when suddenly she was on the ground, convulsing and then she was a chocolate brown wolf." It didn't make sense to Jasper. He had been around the wolves before. They smelled like wet dog to him, human form or not. But Lena didn't. She smelled sweet. It was hard to control the blood lust he felt. He had decided he would absolutely not hurt her though. "Do you know when?" Jasper asked his adoptive sister. "Soon I think. Every vision I have of Lena is fuzzy, which makes a bit of sense now. I'd say within the next few days. We should be there to explain things. She will be confused." Alice told him. The family agreed with her and began making plans to keep an eye on Lena at all hours. "At least we won't have to keep our secret from her anymore. Feels wrong lying to my best friend about you all." Bella offered to look on the bright side for once.
Lena woke in the middle of the night in a cold sweat which she attributed to nightmares. She glanced over at her alarm clock that read 5 am "it's Saturday damn it." She groaned as she tried to go back to sleep. She tossed and turned over and over again before she finally just got up and decided to go for a run to try to tire herself out. She put on a pair of shorts, a sports bra, and tennis shoes. Quietly, she left the house and ran into the forest behind the house. It felt like she ran miles before she stopped to catch her breath. Suddenly her whole body was shaking out of control. Before she knew it her body was contorting into..something she didn't understand.

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