8. Confessions

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Lena was royally confused as she stood on all fours. From what she could see she had paws like a dog. A very large dog. "Lena you're okay. I know you must be confused." She looked up at who was speaking, seeing Carlisle with his arms stretched out to his arms in front of her. "You are okay just relax. We can explain everything. You'll just have to shift yourself back." He had called Sam Uley to see if he would come around to help Lena understand what was happening to her but he firmly refused after talking to his elders. He did however share with him Lena's parentage.
Lena looked around as she was surrounded by Cullens. What the hell was going on? She whimpered as she tried to calm her racing heart. She felt a calm wave settle over her which allowed her to go back to being a regular old human. Caroline had covered her in a big blanket prior to that, thankfully, as she was entirely naked. Her clothes were ribbons on the forest floor. "What the fuck was that?" She asked. "Why don't we go back to our home and we will explain everything sweetheart?" Esme offered and Lena nodded in agreement. She figured they would drive there but she was mistaken. Jasper lifted her up with ease and took off so fast it was unimaginable. To move that fast was exhilarating but also scary. One thing had been made very clear. The Cullens were not human and neither was she.
Lena paced back in forth as she took in all the information that was laid out in front of her. She had come back to the Cullen house, put on some clothes and listened to Carlisle tell her about the Quileute legends of men descended from wolves. She was a werewolf. But not just a regular kind.
Sam shared with Carlisle something that Old Quil Ateara had told him. He had a sister that had fallen in the hands of a cold one who left her pregnant with a monster. Lena. Her mother died in child birth and the father was never seen again leaving the baby to be put up for adoption. He then told her about his family of vampires. How they were different from the majority of vampires with their 'vegetarians' meaning they only drank the blood of animals. It was a lot to take in and Lena had yet to say a word.
"June bug?" Bella's voice came out quiet. She was very concerned for her friend. She had figured it out on her own with a little help but she didn't have the added pressure of also not being human. Lena stopped in her tracks abruptly. "Did you know this whole time?" She asked Bella. "I did but couldn't tell you. It's a secret for a reason." Bella leaned forward from her place on the couch. "I get it." She sighed and looked at everyone else. Rose was tense standing off in front of the door looking out it, Emmett next to her, Alice and Caroline perched together on a chair looking concerned, Carlisle and Esme standing close to Lena in case she needed them, Edward and Bella on the couch, and Jasper on the arm of the couch. "But you should know I'd never do anything to hurt any of you." She sat down right on the floor feeling exhausted. "We know that and we did intend to tell you but I had a vision of tonight happening and it got put on the back burner." Alice explained. "A vision? You can see the future?" Lena asked. "Some of it. I get snippets of it. Whenever I see yours it's fuzzy and I don't always get the complete picture. I'm not the only one with a gift though." Carlisle moved in closer before he spoke. "Edward can read thoughts, Caroline can paralyze with just a touch, and Jasper can control emotions." He explained. Lena looked to Edward, her face going red. How many times had he heard her thoughts about Jasper. "Don't freak out. I tend to tune you out. You make my head hurt. Like Alice, I have trouble hearing you. It's all jumbled and I have to really focus to make sense of it." He told her. "Well that's a relief." She sighed. "I've never tried my ability on you for obvious reasons but we can give it a shot." Caroline teased, trying to lighten the mood. There was a resounding no around the room followed by a bit of laughter.
Lena looked up at Jasper wondering how often he used his gift on her. "I have no trouble reading you. Actually I feel what you feel better than anyone else I've ever met. In the forest was the first I've manipulated your emotions though." He told her, figuring that would be her next question. "Well thank you for that." She sighed. This was a lot to take in all at once as her life had turned upside down once again. Jasper felt her getting overwhelmed. "How about I take you for a drive and let you clear your head?" He rose to his feet and offered her a hand. "That sounds like a good idea." Lena took his hand and let him lead her to his all dark blue Lexus.
The drive was quiet to start as Jasper didn't want push her. She very understandably needed to clear her head. "I didn't think my life could get any crazier but here we are. Half vampire, half werewolf. Supposed mortal enemies turned lovers. But where does that leave me? Sam refuses to even meet me. " she looked over at Jasper. "You don't hate me do you?" Her breath caught in her throat at just the thought. She had fallen for him so hard it wasn't even funny. Her whole life was confusing but Jasper was one of the only contestants. It always seemed like he was coming to her rescue. "I could never hate you Lena." He took her hand and squeezed it. He pulled over at a beach, careful to stay far away from the treaty lines. They both got out and walked the beach, their hands brushing every now and then. "Lena I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now. I don't want to add anything else but I don't think I can wait. We've kept so much from you and I don't think I want to keep this from you anymore." Jasper felt nervous as he spoke. He hadn't been nervous about anything in many years. He took her hands in his and looked down at her, a small smile creeping across his features. On a whim he leaned down and kissed her gently. He stayed reserved as he felt the burn in his throat ignite but it was manageable. He could hear her heart beating faster as she melted into him. "Think that was the best thing I heard all day." Lena whispered when Jasper pulled away. Jasper let a chuckle escape his lips. "I wanted to tell you that I love you but that felt right." He admitted, kissing the top of her head. "I love you too." She smiled like crazy, finally feeling at peace for once.

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