Chapter 6: You Are the Music in Me (Reprise)

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After the baseball game, everyone had gathered for an afternoon picnic. Marinette had even convinced Felix to stick around. The next morning, Marinette went to take care of her morning duties by the pool. She was in her designated swimsuit for work and was currently busy getting trash and debris from the pool. She was temporarily interrupted when she heard someone call out to her.

When she turned around, she saw that it was Felix in his normal dress clothes.

"Oh, hi. I've been meaning to talk to you." She genuinely mentioned as she ceased her work.

Felix casually shoved his hands into his pockets. "Well, here I am."

"I wanted to thank you for defending Sabrina earlier. Nino can be pretty stubborn, so he probably wouldn't have changed his mind just by me telling him." She told him.

"Don't dwell on it." He simply said to her. "I didn't do it for her or you."

"Okay? Then why did you do it?" Marinette asked curiously.

Felix shrugged. "Let's just say I'm an advocate for justice."

Marinette nodded in appreciation before an idea popped up in her mind. "Can you teach me how to do that swing step you did yesterday?"

Felix froze up and slightly frowned at her question. "Why?" He asked defensively.

"Because I wanted to learn how to do it." She explained her case. "You know, for the show."

"No." He refuted.

"Please?" She urged him. "I really want to learn."

"Ask somebody else." He told her.

"No one else knows how to do it as well." She argued.

Felix sighed in defeat before he smirked. "You know what? Fine."

"Wait. What?" She hardly had time to react when he grabbed her hand and spun her into him. The sudden movement caused her to trip mid-spin and fall back into him a little bit with his arms around her. She giggled at her little fumble, but they both stopped when they spotted Adrien who happened to be walking by. The blonde boy aimlessly stopped in front of them with a blank expression.

"Hey guys," He hesitantly greeted them as looked back and forth between them. "What's going on?"

Marinette unraveled herself from Felix. "He was just teaching me to do a swing step." She mentioned.

"So I, uh, called you last night." Adrien awkwardly explained to her. "I got hung up at the gym."

She quietly nodded before Felix spoke up. "You've been spending a lot of time with those Oxford guys lately." Although it was a simple statement, Felix somehow managed to make it sound demeaning.

Adrien ignored his cousin's tone. "Yeah, well, playing with them feels like I'm in a different world."

Marinette started to give him a proud smile. "Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game."

"Yeah, it was." Felix went on. "But the dessert afterwards was the best part. You know, she makes the best macarons in the entire world-" Felix boasted with an arm around Marinette's shoulder.

"Yeah, I know, Felix." Adrien snapped. "I've had them."

Marinette's smile disappeared at Adrien's outburst while Felix feigned an astonished expression. "Well, I can tell when I'm not wanted." He mentioned before he waltzed away.

That left Adrien and Marinette to sit there and stare at each other. Eventually, Marinette looked away from him in disappointment before she got back to her job.

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