Chapter 1: Now or Never

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All Adrien could feel was the sweat drenching his body and the pressure as he came out of his trance and looked up at the clock. Now wasn't the time for him to lose focus. The Knightowls were down by six points and this was the last game of their basketball season. It was the championship game against the Romuald High Hawks. And for the seniors, it was the last chance to prove themselves. Before they knew it, the second quarter was over and it was time for halftime.

The players filed into the locker room to recuperate. The Knightowls trudged into the locker room out of breath. Most players grabbed a spare towel on the way in to dry themselves off. They all shared the same far away expression, especially Adrien. He went to go grab some tape from his locker to wrap his bruised fingers with.

Coach Raincomprix rounded the corner to look at all of his players. Although they were losing, he wasn't upset with them one bit. A scolding wasn't what any of them needed. He knew that they clearly needed encouragement.

"Okay guys, no more X's and O's. Don't think about the scoreboard because here's a number that matters: 16. There's 16 minutes left in the game. Only 16 minutes left in the season. And for the seniors on the squad, there's only 16 minutes left in a Knightowl uniform. So make every minute count. You've got 16 minutes left to be a team."

He gave them all one last nod before he turned to leave. "You're up, captains." Cueing Adrien and Nino to say something to the team.

Nino stood up next to Adrien to address the team. The seniors had grown throughout the year. Mentally and physically. They grew a bit taller and started to develop a bit of lean muscle from all of the athletics.

"Hey guys," Adrien began. "You heard the coach. We'll all remember these 16 minutes long after we leave this school. So, it's now or never." He concluded before he tapped his best friend. "Nino..."

Upon the blonde's cue, Nino began to lead their school chant. "What team?!"


"What team?!" He repeated as he led everyone out of the locker room.


"Get'cha head in the game!" They hollered as they charged back into the gym with their white Knightowl jacket hoods over their heads.

"16, 16, 16 minutes left,"

"Better get it done."

"16, 16, 16 more minutes,"

"Get ready, game on!" The crowd was in an uproar as the cheerleaders punched their poms with every movement. Front and center of the squad was Myléne who had proved to be one of the most powerful dancers on the team.

"16, 16, 16 minutes left,"

"Running out of time."

"16, 16, 16 more minutes,"

"It's on the line."

"16, 16, 16 minutes left,"

"Gotta get it done."

"16, 16, 16 minutes left,"

"Til we're number one!" One by one the team takes off their jackets, tossing them on the bench. Soon they huddle up to put their hands in the center before they break.

"Let's go team!" The coach shouts as the game resumes.

"Gotta get it together." Adrien sings as he passes the ball to Kim.

"Yeah, pull up and shoot, score!" Kim passes the ball to Ivan who shoots a basket.

"Are you ready, are you with me?"

A Miraculous Musical 3: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now