Chapter ~14

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It's been a month sense we all got back from tour and me and Ricky officially live together! Chris got himself a new girlfriend and he wants us to me her.

(Chris's pov)
I love Alexis so much she's absolutely stunning and she's so sweet and is beautiful girl.

(Jades pov)
All I know about Chris's girlfriend is her name is Alexis and it sounds so familiar. I had a friend named Alexis and she was my best friend for life.

"Ricky are you ready " "Yes " we got in the car and drove my brothers house.

They went to the door and Chris got the door and they set down.

(Alexis's pov)
His sister looks so familiar to me like I know her from somewhere.

"Hi! You Must he jadelynn". "Hi! Yes". "oh my gosh you're so pretty" "Oh this is my Boyfriend Ricky!" Everyone chatted and got to meet then Alexis and Jade were left alone.

"Gosh you know you look really familiar " I was shocked when Alexis said that but she isn't wrong. "You do too!" "Wait wait jadelynn form elementary?" " Yes!!" "Oh my god Alexis I'm so happy to reunite with you!" "We should tell our boyfriends!" We both ran outside to the guys and I grabbed a cigarette from Ricky's pack for me and Alexis.

We went outside. "We have news!" Chris and Ricky looked at us like we were weird. "One me and Jade get along so well ". "Two Alexis was my best friend for my life and we finally got meet again " Ricky got up and gave me the lighter to light my cigarette.

(Jades pov)
I set on Ricky's lap and we all smoked and I felt Ricky's hands on my waist going up the side of my shirt. Chris was distracted taking to Alexis so he didn't notice. I felt my bra coming off and he grabbed me and carried me to my old room in the house.

"Oh I see what we're doing now" "do you now" I smirked at him and he started kissing my neck. He got up and grabbed a condom. He took my shirt off and smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes and he took his shirt off.

She went down and grabbed his belt and took it off and took his pants off . "Fuck" he moaned repeatedly. He went down to my skirt and took it off and he took my undergarments off too. He tm started kissing up her body and rubbing her bare thigh. Fuck i monad so loud. I took his boxers off and he put it inside.

He left so many hickys down my body later we got dressed but we both realized something. "We didn't use the condom what are we gonna do" "everything will be fine we only did it twice " I rubbed it off and wasn't worried when Ricky said that and we went downstairs.

"We made lunch you guys hungry?" I nodded and we all set down and ate. "Me and Ricky should get going now!" "Alexis I'm glad we got see each other again ". We all hugged and me and Ricky left.

"So babe I wanna change up my look ". "okay you should do it then!" I smiled and pulled out a vape. "Your vaping now?" I nodded. " i don't wanna get to addicted to cigarettes "

We got home and I set on the bed and he crawled up and kissed me. We laid in bed and watched a movie then i had to go to my appointments to change my look.

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