First Day In The Hotel...

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While walking to the hotel...while of course T.C and rick carried their bag's and they were tired from the walk ... While magnum carry his and higgins bag just to be a gentleman for higgins. T.C. kept seeing that flirty smirk on magnum face just admiring higgins attire, and T.C just chuckled, while he talk's to rick about what the hotel might look like in the inside, until they stepped into the hotel.. And boy were they shocked of how it looked In the inside.

 And boy were they shocked of how it looked In the inside

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Magnum: Wow....*looks amazed* Amazing...

T.C: WE hit the jack pot!!*looks happy as well* This place is definitely top 1 to go to!

Rick: This place is huge!*looks around like a little kid* So pretty and shiny...

Higgins: Well Robin Master... did order us the sweet suite...*smiles a little*

Magnum:*look's at him dreamily* Sometimes you amazed me Higgins... You know that~

Higgins: *roll's eye's* Flattery won't get you no where magnum...*sighs but smiles at him* But I take the compliment for now at least.

All four of them looked around for a bit still amazed to see something this beautiful in a different country... trying to find the check-in counter , until Rick could have sworn he saw the man from the plane and looked at all of them... but magnum just shrugged it off, and just pat his shoulder, while T.C said the same thing... that's when they find the check in, but the guy looked very strange to them and suspicious.

 that's when they find the check in, but the guy looked very strange to them and suspicious

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Willam:*put's out his cigar* Welcome to the hotel.... What can we do for you gentlemen?*sighs*

All of them had a bad vibe around this man... so magnum grabbed higgins waist and brought him closer and looked at him funny and weird... and plus he smelled like cigar's and wine. He must be rich to afford stuff like that and the fancy get up he wearing...

T.C: We booked in for a couple of week's...*folds his arms and step's in front of his friends* ...

Higgins: By Robin Master sir....*looks at him*

William:*eye's widen* Robin Master.... Sure room 135.... Go to the elevator to get there.

Magnum:*grab's the key from him slowly* Thank you...

Rick: What about our bag's?*looks at their bag's been taken*

William: Oh i sure these kind folk's wouldn't mind bringing you'r bag's to you'r room?*chuckles* Now would they?

The four of them walked away to have a good look around the place, while of course looking back a couple of times... a little concerned about the encounter they just head with that strange man at the counter.

Rick:*whisper's* I don't trust him...*look's a little nervous*

Higgins: Me neither... He behaviour is very strange to me...*nods his head*

Magnum: Well then we just gotta be careful around him...*grab's higgins hand and squeezed it*

Higgins:*squeezed it back* Mhm I agree can't never be careful and a big place like this.

T.C: Why don't we look around the place?*tries to lighten the mood up* I sure their more to see then this floor?

So what they did was looked around the place, having fun while of course magnum still admiring higgins outfit... it just made rick and t.c chuckled... but what they did not know was that Mr. William was watching them... getting ready to call his boss in the middle of the night... when no one will hear it... hopefully no one catches him doing that because it will blow his cover.

Magnum: Yall ready to see our room then?*looks at them*

Rick: You bet!*runs to the elevator* I going to love it more!

T.C: We got the sweet suite too... we be living like royalty... *look's happy*

Higgins:*just chuckles at them* We will have too make sleeping arrangment's for the time we going to be here...

Magnum: Oh trust me we will~*start's to smirk* 

Higgins:*turn his head to hide the blush from them* Oh be bloody quiet... Magnum...

Magnum:*chuckled* Whatever you say Higgins...

Of course magnum had to do that little cheeky smile that higgins so loved, he just grabbed his hand and interwind their fingers together while waiting for the elevator...magnum just smiled and squeezed the smaller man hand's, and watched T.C and rick enter first into the elevator.

T.C:*whisper's to rick* Look at them both...*gently smiles* They both bring happiness to each other... it's sweet to think about it

Rick:*whispers back* Yeah they both deserved happiness...*smiles at them two* So cute!

Magnum: What did you both say?*look's at them*

Both of them: Nothing!

Higgins: That's what I thought.*scoffs at them* Sometimes you both to childish for me.

Magnum: But that's what you love about us. Don't you?*smirks*

Higgins: Hmph. Maybe just a bit. I suppose that you guy character traits.*eyes them*

T.C:*smiles gently* Thank's higgy-baby I appericate that...

Rick: I take that as a compliment then!*chuckles*

Higgins: Take it as you see fit. I just stating the obvious here. *look's serious*

Magnum: *chuckles* Alway's got to be formal with you close pal's don't ya?

Higgins: It how I see fit. I used to doing that so get used to it. *roll's his eyes*

Rick: I think we already got used to you... still I would love to learn my about you'r life...*gently smiles*

T.C: Agree. We told you about our life's, so I think you can share you with us... *eyes him*

Higgins: I don't think you fella's will be interested. Beside I didn't have an excited life like you'rs. *is lieing*

Magnum: Oh? Is that so? I mean we all know you went to war as well. But what about before that? *tilts head*

Higgins: I not interested of sharing my life history. *eyes them*

T.C: Okay my bad... you don't have to tell us if you'r not comfortable...*look's concern*

Rick: Yeah after all we won't bugged you to much if it does make you uncomfortable...*eyes him*

Higgins: No I not comfortable sharing my personal life. So the answer is no... *look's away*

Magnum: Higgins? Are you alright? *eyes him*

Higgins: Oh good lord i'm fine Magnum. You guy's worry to much, let just get to the elevator to get to our room. *walks ahead*

So they now enter the elevator waiting for it to arrive at the first floor after what Higgins said it made all three of them concern for him, So Magnum grabbed a hold of Higgins hand and squeezed it with him doing the same, while T.c and rick chuckled at the both of them,while magnum and higgins shared a glance and just smile at each other with such kindness and love. Only if they had confidence to confess to each other...

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