Taking Higgins Home...

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It was a long brutal night for these three friends... all of them were awake... Rick got them some coffee to stay awake for the whole night to keep an eye on Higgins, While T.C was watching the football game... until the heard a very dry and croaked voiced.... all of them looked up to see their majordmo of the estate finally waking up from surgery.

Higgins: *open's his eye's* U-ugh... what in the bloody hell happen...

He was shocked to see his friend's all there, but what made him shocked more was to see magnum... the love of his life ...heart torn apart in pieces... he met with magnum red teary eye's... he missed that little cheeky smile that he loved to see on his face when he was happy and when he will tease him....

Magnum: H-higgins?*grab's his hand and started to cry* I-i'm sorry...

Higgins:*clutched his hand* I-i'm alright magnum.... I'm just an b-bit of pain...*winces a little*

T.C: Because you been shot.... higgy baby.*looks at him*

Rick decide to let magnum and higgins have their alone time... beside he had to tell T.C something very important.... that magnum told him while heading here to the hospital.

T.C: What's up Rick you been acting weird since yesterday? What happen buddy?*eyes him*

Rick: Magnum just told me something yesterday...*seems hesitant*

T.C: *raises eyebrow* You know you can tell me right?

Rick: I know why magnum act's the way he does around higgins...*eyes him*

T.C: Alright then spit it out... rick.*look's at him*

Rick: He in love with him...*closes his eyes*

T.C spitted out his hot coffee over on the doctor, and smiled and said he was sorry... he looked around to see if anyone was listening, and looked at rick.. too met with the same expression that rick had..

T.C Are you serious!!*wipes the coffee off his face*

Rick: Chill out pal... i had the same reaction...*almost spits out his donut*

T.C; It does mention why he so...*look's at him*

Rick: Attached to him?*raise his eyebrow at him*

They both were shocked and started talking about if higgins felt the same way for him... and talking about he haven't felt that way since his supposed dead wife... and taking about it will change their whole friendship... and their as well.

Back With Magnum and Higgins~

Higgins looked at magnum... seeing his sad face... his red eye's... and teary eye's... higgins grabbed magnum hand and brought it to his cheek and laid his head in it... looking at the man that he has his agruments with... but really care's for him deep inside his heart...

Higgins: Magnum, Are you alright? Please don't cry...*Kisses his hand*

Magnum: I-i t-thought i l-lost you...*has tear's in his eye's but gently press a kiss to his forehead*

Higgins: *Look's at him* We must continued with the investigation...Magnum.

Magnum:*look's at him with shocked and started tearing up* W-what if i-i lose y-you... i-i can't bear with the thought o-of losing you...*wipes the coming tears away*

Higgins: Please don't cry magnum.... I'm fine... I'm been in worse shape when i was in the battlefield...*look's at him*

Magnum:*clutched his hand and gave it all the kisses in the world* ...

Magnum looked into the smaller man's eye's, realized his eyes were the most sparkling eye's he ever laid his eye's on... count his wife of course... he scooted closer and leaned in, to see higgins shocked expression but he allows him... magnum leans in to the point where their lips almost touched.... until the sound of a door creaked open, he pulled away and wiped his tears... at the door it was T.C and Rick...

T.C: How you feeling higgy-baby?*look's serious*

Higgins: I feel like i gotten ran over by a bus...*tries not to blush of what just happen*

Rick: Well look pal... the doctor said you can leave today...*look's happy*

The nurse came in and put higgins in a wheel chair, and they all walked towards the check-out counter... while all of them listened to higgins war story... T.C just smiled gently... Rick looked like he about to go to sleep... magnum was pushing the wheel chair just smiling dreamily at higgins and his stories...  They all realized he wasn't gonna change... they loved him the way he was already... but magnum loved him more then a friend could ever do.

T.C: Finally we out of there...*sigh*

Rick: I thought i never leave it smelled like death!*gently laughs*

Magnum:*tries to smile but looks down in shame*

They all got into T.C van, rick called shotgun, magnum put higgins in the backseat... and took the seat next to him...

Higgins: *look's at magnum and clutched his hand*

Magnum:*interwind their finger's together*

Magnum grabbed higgins and put him right beside him... and their leg's were touching each other... higgins looked at magnum with a blushed on his face.. while magnum wrapped his arm around his waist and put his head on the smaller man head... while higgins leaned in the touch...

Magnum: I-i though y-you d-die... i-i thought i-i lost you f-for good...

Higgins: Oh magnum... i right here... i ain't going nowhere... for a long time.* gently smiles*

Magnum: Y-you be a-alright... i c-can't believe i f-failed you...

Higgins: Failed me.... How could you possible failed me?*looks shocked*

Magnum told him how he promised to protect his friends... and him and how he felt it was his fault that higgins got shot... higgins felt a water drop on is head and looked up to see his broken expression... higgins nudge his shoulder and give his hand a quick kiss,a sign to relaxed and everything is going to be okay.

Magnum: I-i take c-care of you....*smiles gently*

Rick: Yeah we can all help pal... After all we friends...*smiles at all of them*

T.C: Sure... i help take care of higgy-baby... That's what friends are for...*gently smiles*

Rick and T.C was talking about different duties that had to be taken care of.. while checking on both of them, still shocked from the new's that magnum actually likes higgins... Rick try to not spit out his drink when ever he thinks about it... T.C just put the radio on to calm his thought's... Higgins felt magnum shaking and realized he was having nightmare's... Magnum woked up with a fright and realized it was just a bad dream...

Magnum: I-i sorry... bad dream...*sigh*

Higgins:*looked at him with concerned* Is it the vietnam war again?

Magnum nod his head at the statement, higgins just sigh and scoot closer while taking off his seat belt, both of their bodies was touching,he position himself and patted his chest... and magnum laid his head on his chest while wrapping his arms around him... and sigh at the sound of the smaller man's heart beat... magnum then asked...

Magnum: C-could y-you tell me o-one of y-you'r stories... please...*looks at him*

Higgins: For you magnum... anything...*kisses his forehead*

So higgins told magnum about his first trip to america, magnum smiled softly at his voice... he was about to kiss him at the hospital to show him he loves him more than he thinks...  but his two buddies have to come in at the wrong time ... higgins felt magnun heart beat slowing down then earlier, he then relaxed and  calmed down.. and he recited his stories to him to hear magnum sigh in relax... Higgins couldn't help but chuckled, and he heard magnum soft snores while he laid on his chest, he to felled asleep by listening to magnum soft snores... and the soft beating of his heart beat...

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