The Plan's To Help Around The Place.

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It's been  like yesterday since the accident. They were planning to call Robin master, but they all agree to keep it to them self and they didn't want to worry him more then what he has on his plate. T.C and rick come's by every morning to help around the place... While magnum keep's an sharp eye on higgins for the time being until he heal's properly from the wound that Jerry caused...

Magnum:*stands out side to see T.C van pulling up* Hi guy's...

Rick: Hey pal...*put's a hand on his shoulder* How are you feeling after what happen?

Magnum:*tired smile* F-fine.... Thanks for asking guy's...

T.C:*looks worried* You haven't been sleeping.... have you?

They were all chatting away, telling magnum to keep him self energy, and healthy and eat healthy too, but they didn't notice the sound of someone walking to them and higgins stood beside magnum... hands on his hip's and wearing his causal attire... They all jumped a little from the sudden appearence from him walking out of nowhere.

Magnum: H-higgins... *looks down at him*

Rick: Pal aren't you suppose to be resting?*looks at him serious*

Higgins:*scoff's* I fine really. You guys worried to much honestly. I fine.

T.C: Really Higgy-baby.... you'r legs are wobbly and you'r shaking...*looks at him*

Higgins: Just a bit weak.... I gotta to do the chores.... around the estate.*shakes his head* That's is my duty as the majorodo around this place don't wanna let anyone else do them for me.

All three of them jumped to the idea, and dragged him back into the house and sat him down on a chair to rest... Clearly they didn't like that idea of him doing the chores around the place and he just got out of the hospital like yesterday from a bullet wound.

Rick: No can do pal.*looks serious*

Magnum:*hands him a cup of tea and sits on the arm chair that the older man sat on* Rick right Higgins.

T.C: We do the chores here... until you get better from here on.*sits on the opposite side of them*

Higgins: You can't be serious...*looks at all three of them* You guy's don't even no what to do with all the chores around the place like i do.

They all started to discuss the proper plan's of what to do ...and discuss each chore they all assign to do. They all agree to do the assign chores that each of them is assign to... Clearly they all still worried for him... So higgins wasn't going to agrue with them since he don't feel like it... he was more worried for magnum... seeing his broken expression broke him more...

T.C: I do the garden work.... and take care of the dog's...*looks at zeus and apollo*

Rick: I get the grocery's...  and wash the car's.... I get to wish them beauty's!*gently smiles*

Higgins:*looks shocked* What about the party Mr.Master planned?*flinched a little in pain*

Magnum:*looks concerned and started to rub his head a little* I take care of that don't worry about that.

Higgins: Hmm... You guys can stay... i-if you want...*leans back on the chair clearly liking magnum touch*

T.C and Rick loved the idea to help their friend in need... beside it will help with magnum to finally take a break and get some sleep... seeing their friend alive is a good sight for all of them, and gives them an excuse to come to the party for free and have fun.

Rick: Thank's pal...*hugs him gently*

T.C:*joins in the hug* Yeah Thank's... Higgy-baby.

Magnum:*Joins the group hug* You guy's are the best friends i could ever ask for you know.

Higgins:*looks at all of them* Yall squishing the bloody hell out of me...*flinches a little*

They all got scared and backed off, but make sure he had no more injuries, and that they didn't hurt him... They all smiled at each other... clearly happy that they have the same old higgins that they all so very loved so much. They don't want him to change one bit cause they love him just the way he is...

Rick: Quick question though... if i may ask of course?*eyes him*

Higgins:*sips his tea* You may ask Rick.

Rick: Can we go to the party?*looks at higgins all happy*

T.C: Yeah could we go?*gently smiles*

Higgins: Hmm... I suppose why not...beside*sips his tea with a slight smirk* We could use some security guards... to make sure they party run's smoothly as plan so we don't disappoint Mr. Master.

T.C and Rick nodded their head's... anything they can do to help is worth their time, they can pay back for all the things that higgins has done for the both of them... rick looked at magnum.... but he wasn't even looking at them.... Rick nudge t.c and pointed his head... The both looked and where shocked to see what he was looking at.... Magnum was looking at higgins lip's were he just smirked.

Magnum:*a slight blush on his face but a smirk formed on his face* Well i guess i spend the day protecting you... Mr. Higgins~*stands up and looks at him*

T.C:*looks shocked* I-i u-um... w-wow...

Rick: *almost spit out his beer and look's at t.c* G-gah... that's one cold beer...

They all looked to see higgins slight blush on his face... and he slightly get's off the chair and turn's around to face his friends and started to talk...

Higgins:*turn to look at magnum and put his hands on his hip and blow him a kiss* Two can play that  game Magnum~

Higgins limping his way to the kitchen to feed his dog's... T.C spit out his food with a little chuckled... while rick snicker, and they both turn to magnum to see a dreamily expression on his face... which made both of them shocked to see.

Magnum: I love that man...*sighs dreamily*

T.C: Thomas... You alright?*snaps his finger in front of his face*

Magnum: I alright... We shall discuss the plan later...*eyes them*

Rick: Pal i told T.C about you crush...*look's concern*

Magnum: It's not a crush anymore.... I madly in love with him.*looks serious*

T.C: What...*looks shocked*

Rick: What about you'r wife?*looks at him*

Magnum: I never really felt this strong for michelle like i do for higgins.... Look we discuss this later. Higgins wait for me!*runs after him*

T.C and rick looked at each other with shock, Magnum was cutting some steak for the dog's so higgins didn't have to do it... They both saw the two of them smile softly at each other and they whispering to eachother.

T.C: I-i....*looks down in thought*

Rick: I thought it was a little crush....*look's at him*

T.C: He haven't felt like that since his wife....*looks at rick in pure shock*

Rick: Yeah and his love for her wasn't even that strong like for higgins.*look's serious*

T.C: It explains why he was the way he acted towards Lady Ashley...*nod's his head*

Rick: He was jealous of her because she had Higgins?*looks up at him*

Back With Magnum And Higgins~

Magnum saw his two bestest friends chatting about something... it must be a shock to hear that he loved the man right beside him... he was glad that they are willing to help around for him... but he looked down at higgins petting the dogs and smiled gently. Nothing will happen to him... never again not that he can help with it.

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