How they handle jealousy:

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Ehe trying a bit of something new in this chapter! Let me know if you would like more!

Pretty much just how Genshin girls handle jealousy!

Category: Jealous girlfriend
Warnings: Curse, mention of harm to others (Yandere vibes?).

Y/N: Your name
H/C: Hair color
S/L Short OR long
E/C- eye color


Some random dude started to flirt with you while hanging out with your girlfriend.


Y/N's POV:

"So how about that number now baby?" One of the taller men hunched down to my face, pressing his phone into my hands.

"Are you trying to piss me off, I told you im not interested!" I shouted, hoping it would get my point across.

Apparently it didn't because him and his group continued to persistently ask for my digits. "Auhggg" I groaned hoping they would go away. Are they really that desperate? (Hah simps!)

Moments later I felt someones slender arms wrap around my waist in a protective grip, instantly my body tensed due to the sudden touch. "Hey Cutie im back~ who are they..?" I looked up at my beloved, a wave of relief washing over me as I leaned into her embrace. She continue to give the men the creepiest death stare I had ever seen while lightly squeezing my waist, I hummed in response earning a small smile from Lisa. (LORD THESE MEN ARE DEAD-)

  The group of men instantly tensed up as they searched for an answer that may save their poor lives

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The group of men instantly tensed up as they searched for an answer that may save their poor lives. "E-eh Miss Lisa, we were just l-leaving right guys..?" All of his friends nodded as they quickly left the premises. Smiling, I looked up at Lisa with a soft gaze.

  "Ehe thanks Lisa!" I smiled up at my girlfriend as she took one of her arms off my waist and had placed it on my head, ruffling my H/C hair. "No problem Cutie, im the only one who should be flirting with you anyways." Lisa huffed as she continued to look in the direction the men had ran in.

  Needless to say you never saw those men in Mondstadt again, I wonder what happened to them?

Acting Grand Master Jean:

Y/N's POV:

  "Hurry back Jean, I wanna go on the water slides!" I pouted as Jean winked back and disappeared into the bathroom. You had both decided to take a trip to (Favorite water park) when Jean had no more commissions for the day.

 You had both decided to take a trip to (Favorite water park) when Jean had no more commissions for the day

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  "Wohohoo~ look at that one~." One of the creepy men said while staring directly at my boobs. All their gazes had shifted to my body, 'Oh god oh god, just act like you cant see them!' I thought to myself as I attempted to cover my body.

  "Hey babe im back!" Jean stepped in front of you, blocking the mens view of your body. She almost never called you that unless she was jealous or horn-.She leaned into your ear, lightly nibbling on it. "I heard what they said, just go with it." She whispered as she continued down my neck. Suddenly she turned her attention to the now shocked dudes with a devious smile, "Sorry boys shes already got a girlfriend." She lightly gave them a 'shoo' motion as her lips continued to trail down my body.

  "Whatever she wasn't even that hot.." one of the boys murmured before stumbling away. "They must be blind." Jean wispernd as I giggled and cupped her face, lightly planting kisses on it.

  "Dont worry about them babe, lets just go on the water slides!" I grabbed Jeans hand and dragged her to the nearest water slide.

Ill be doing more of these in the future! Leave  character and scenarios you wanna see with them under this!

Next chapter: Some type of Genshin oneshot!


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