"Sea sick..?" (Beidou x Sick reader.)

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_________________________________Category: FLUFF
Warnings: Cursing/Sea sickness/vomit.
Words: 805

Y/N: Your name
N/N- Nickname
H/C: Hair color
S/L Short OR long
E/C- eye color


  The Crux lightly swayed with the waves as it inched its way closer to Liyue Harbor. You would expect a sea captain's girlfriend to be practically immune to the seas wrath. This although was not the case for y/n, although she didn't often get sea sick, sometimes the sea didn't work in her favor.

  Y/Ns POV:

You stood hunched over the toilet, puking your guts out. 'F-fuck...' You mentally cursed yourself as you felt another round coming on. You felt extremely dizzy, as if the world spinning wasn't enough to make you puke again the waves constant rocking was.

You continued to puke your guts out, shakily holding the toilets rim as you tried to keep it all in the bowl. You caught your breath after a moment, using all your will to hold back just for one moment, just for one breath. You take one deep breath before puking once again.

  You felt someones hand carefully pull back your L/S hair, placing their other hand on your back. They lightly rubbed circles into your back as they kneeled down besides you. "Ah is my precious co-captain sick again..?" She softly whispered in your ear. You felt small shivers run down your spine as the captain ran her cool hand down your back.

  You gasp for air, finally feeling as if your body could give no more, because it had no more to give. You were physically drained from throwing up practically anything you ate the past few days, only groaning as you leaned your back onto the wall. You weakly groaned in pain, your throat burning from the constant puking.

"Here I uhm..Got you some water." She handed you a cold goblet full of water, you could only assume the goblet was one of her treasures. Wasting no time at all you quickly downed more then half the water. "Hey, hey slow down love..!" She lightly grips your hand, tipping the goblet away from your mouth.

  You whined a bit in response as the goblet was pulled away from your grasp. "How are ya feeling..?" She whispered as she placed both her hands on yours. She softly rubbed her thumbs across the palms of your hands, tracing out each little cease.

"Shitty." You groaned under your breath. Your response earned a chuckle from your captain girlfriend. (I HAVE NEVER BEEN ON A BOAT SO PLEASE IM SORRY IF THIS IS INCORRECT!)

"Here take this." She hands you a small pill, you fumbled with it in your hand before swallowing it with some water. "Up and at'em!" Your girlfriend quickly wrapped her arms around you, lifting you up into bridal style. You happily giggle, wrapping your arms around her neck.

She made her way to her quarters, rambling on about something random to keep your mind at ease. Carefully, she sets you on her bed, pulling the F/C covers over the both of you.

You quickly shuffled your body closer to your lovers, burying your head into her chest. After a few moments of silence you heard the captains door creek open, but averted your eyes from its direction, just focusing on your lovers warm embrace.

"Capt'in, two crew mates (Among us-) are causing issues up on deck." A raspy voice rung as their footsteps inched into the room.

"Shoo shoo, get someone else to handle it." Beidou groaned as she used one of her hands to execute a shooing motion. "Capt'in we tried already." The voice said once again.

Beidou groaned as she slipped herself out of bed, taking the warmth with her. You quietly whined as you shifted around in the blanket, trying to make up for the lost heat.

"Ill be back soon babe, only five minutes max alright?" She lightly pecked your forehead as her footsteps faded away.

  You curled up in the blanket, groggily whining out for your girlfriends touch once again. (Me too girl..Me too..-) You could hear the faint sound of tussling and clanking on the deck but you paid no mind to it, you were to tired to care.

  With one final yawn you closed your eyes, slowly feeling yourself slipping from reality. You felt the bed slightly dip, and two arms wrap around you. You happily hummed before inching slightly closer and allowing yourself to completely be engulfed by both the arms.

Happily you wrapped your arms around the captain, nuzzling yourself even closer to her.

  "Sleep well y/n...Sleep well..."



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