"Im Here For You" (Lisa x Abused Reader.)

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This one actually hurt to write-.

Category: Fluff/Comfort/Angst
Warnings: Curses, mentions of past abuse, mentions of SA, Trauma, Choking, Panic attack.

Y/N: Your name
N/N- Nickname
H/N- His name
H/C: Hair color
S/L Short OR long
E/C- eye color


  Y/N's POV:

  My upbringing wasn't very bright, from the ages of 1-12 all I had felt in life was unwanted touch and undeserved 'punishments.' Fear ran through my body, recognizing the familiar surroundings that I escaped years ago..  'No no no no shit shit shit how did I get here..!' I felt my body tremble as his booted footsteps trudged down the basement stairs. 'No no no no not a-again, this isnt real this isnt real..' I started to hyperventilate as the heavy footsteps stopped at the bottom step. My breaths came out more choked then before as my mind raced to find an answer.

  "This is very much real you fucking slut~!" A harsh voice rang out as I felt my knees shake. "YOUR NOT REAL, YOUR NOT REAL, YOU C-CANT HURT M-ME!!" I looked to see an older man in his 50's, staring at my body with his lust filled eyes. His posture was awful, presumably due to the drinking he did on a regular basis. He groaned in my direction as he held a bottle of cheap booze, now fully aware of my situation all I could do was repeat 'He cant hurt me, its not real' in my head.

  "Oh I very much can hurt you~" He growled under his usual drunken breath as he placed the bottle on the floor. I backed myself into a corner, whining and pleading for someone to hear my cries for help, yet nothing would come. Quickly he had made his way over to me, not even hesitating to reach for my arm. "GET OFF OF ME!" I yelped suddenly causing the man to fall back. "OH YOU LITTLE SLUT, YOUR IN FOR IT NOW!" He kicked my knee, causing me to whimper as my body fell to the ground. He slid his body onto mine, holding both my wrist above your head while wrapping his other hand around your neck. "YOU FUCKING SLUT I OUTA PUNISH YOU FOR THAT." His drunken face got closer to mine as I struggled under his grip. I felt determination flow through my body as I pushed his drunken body off mine, I cant let him win this time, not again...

  Shakily I sprinted towards the basement door, which was luckily left opened. The usual bright light was emitting from its exit. 'Almost there, Almost there!' I thought as I continued up the steps while hearing his heavy booted footsteps fast approaching behind.

  "JUST A FEW M-MORE!" I screeched as I was merely 3 steps away from the light. "YOU CANT HOLD ME BACK ANYMORE H/N" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I crossed into the bright light.



  Gasping for air, my body instantly shot up, tears streamed down my face as my body started to violently shake. I clutched my stomach as hitched sobs escaped my lips. "Shhh Y/N im here..." a soft concerned voice cooed, shakily I turned my attention to my now startled girlfriend.

  3rd person POV:

  This was one of many night terrors you have had around Lisa, before she came around you hadn't told anybody about your situation but after Lisa caught you having an episode in the library she was more then willing to comfort you. She held you for hours that night, not once drifting off to sleep or letting go of you in fear you would have a relapse shortly after the first one. The next morning she refused to leave your side, telling everyone it was safer for her to be around you for now on.

  Back to reality:

  I whined in agonizing pain as I continued to sob out of my now very swollen eyes. Lisa's two arms gently wrapped around my shaking frame, lightly pulling me down into her comfortable chest. "Shhh its alright, he cant hurt you anymore, your safe now.." she purred as she stroked one of her hands through my H/L H/C hair. Fear continued to run through my body as my thoughts blanked, despite the fact I knew it wasn't real it still felt so... "It was just a dream N/N, your okay, it wasn't real see." She cooed while pulling my body closer to hers.

  I wrapped my arms around her waist as I continued to sob uncontrollably into her chest. I attempted to speak but it was useless, my speech was broken and it only caused me to choke and gasp uncontrollably while I tried to form a sentence. "Shhh Y/N, don't stress yourself.. im here to listen when your ready."She gave me a reassuring squeeze on the waist before moving one of her slender hands up my face, lightly caressing my cheek. I felt my heart rate slowly starting to stabilize as small gasps and whines continued to be emitted. Lisa's legs intertwined with mine as she continued to do everything she possibly could to deescalate the situation. 

  I felt my body ache as Lisa continued to comfort me with her embrace, slowly removed her hand from my face and intertwining it with my hand. "Your so brave Y/N...So brave.." She whispered, resting her chin on top of my head. I hummed in response, feeling at ease with the current situation. "T-tha-thank you..." I mumbled as she lightly squeezed me again. 'So warm..' I murmured to myself as she held our body's close together. "No problem dear, im always here for you alright..?" Quietly, I hummed.

  "Would you like to maybe..talk about it...? We could also wait till later if your not ready.." She whispered as she took notice to your slowly shutting eyes. I shook my head, knowing I couldn't possibly talk about it without breaking down again. "W-we can t-talk about it l-l-later." I sighed as my body curled up into her arms. Her embrace felt like a safe haven. The perfect place to cry, the perfect place to feel free, the perfect place to feel human. With her you were more then just a victim of abuse, you were human.

  "P-please n-never let g-go L-lisa..." I shuttered before letting my body slip from consciousness.

  Lisa's POV:

  A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I heard light snores fill the room. Thank god she fell asleep again, I was starting to worry she was going to have another sleepless night. I placed both my hands around her hips, ensuring she knew I was by her side.

  The ones tense atmosphere in the room had now dissipated, replacing itself with a warm comforting feel. I slightly readjusted my body before taking another look at Y/N, her face was red and puffy, despite that she look peaceful and content in the moment. I felt as if I could stay up all night, sleep was no longer considered an option after any of Y/N's night terrors anyways so thats for the best. Sighing I rested my head back, preparing for the next few hours of restlessness.

  "Ill always be here for you Y/N, always and forever.."



Any of yall want maybe a part 2??

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