How you cheer them up:

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Request: Kyokeeeee

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Category: Fluff/Lime/Sexual stuff
Warnings: Cursing/Pet name/sexual stuff/Lime?

Y/N: Your name
N/N- Nickname
H/C: Hair color
S/L Short OR long
E/C- eye color



You stumbled your way into the librarians in-home office, immediately noticing the changed atmosphere. You looked in your girlfriend direction to see her impatiently tapping her finger while on an 'important' Adventure Guild zoom call. Her body was clearly tense as she placed on of her free hands on her forehead, lightly rubbing it.

Feeling awful for your stressed girlfriend you attempted to think of things that may help her destress. Within moments you thought of something perfect, but it was *cough* extremely embarrassing. You nervously smiled as you walked into your bedrooms closet, reaching into the back to grab a small plastic bag. You pulled out s pair of fuzzy cat ears, along with fuzzy cat paw gloves. You were saving these for a 'special' occasion but whatever.

You fumbled with your hands as you gently placed the cat ears atop your head, sliding the gloves onto your hands as well. Lightly blushing, you looked at yourself in the mirror. 'God this is stupid..!' You exhaled, hoping this wouldn't be too embarrassing. 'Confidence is key, confidence is key..' You mumbled to yourself as you made your way back into her home office.

Quietly you slid yourself into the room, tip toeing your way closer to her chair. Glancing over you could see her face help no emotion, just staring mindlessly into the computers camera. It seemed as if most of Mondstadts adventure guild was on the meet, just talking about funds and commissions. Nervously you coughed, attempting to grab her attention. She kept her eyes on her computer, not even once looking at you. "You need something Y/N.?" You poutily looked at her, a bit mad that she didn't even look in your direction.

'Be like that hmph! I didn't want it to come to this." You sighed impatiently as you grabbed hold of her black computer chair, lightly spinning it in your direction. "Y/N I cant......" Her voice trailed off as she looked you up and down. 'God please have mercy on me' I shifted my body into the iconic neko pose.. "Nya~ Hello Miss Lisa~.." You lightly moaned out, her face instantly flushed as her computer went completely silent. 'Shit she wasn't muted?!' You brought both of your hands to your face, trying to cover up your extreme embarrassment.

I shifted uncomfortably as Lisa slowly spun her chair back to face her computer. "Sorry everyone im gonna have to *cough* excuse myself." She slammed her computer shut, not wasting a single moment to roughly pin your body up against the wall. She placed one of her legs in between both of yours, lightly pushing it up against your core. "E-Ehh-..?!" Your face flushed red as she brought her face closer to your ear, her hot breath running along it. "Mhmm is my kitty feeling needy today..?" She lightly nibbled on my ear as she teased me with her knee. Your breathing hitched slightly as she took her hands off yours, placing them on the waistband of your pants/skirt/whatever.

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