"Thank you for caring.." (Jean x Injured Visionless Reader)

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   Hehe hello again! Enjoy~.

  (I wrote most of this at like 12 at night)
Category: Fluff/ Lil Angst?
Warnings: Cursing, blood, violence.

Y/N: Your name
N/N- Nickname
H/C: Hair color
S/L Short OR long
E/C- eye color


3rd person POV:

You were on your way to deliver a message to Lisa, happily you made your way towards Mondstadt knowing you would have a chance to talk to the lovely Acting Grand Master while visiting. You loved everything about her, the way she smiled as she spoke, the way her eyes would sparkle, even the thought of her made you ecstatic. Caught up in your thought you unknowingly stumbled into a Hilichurl camp.


'Im absolutely screwed, Lord Barbatos save me..' I thought as I clutched my bloody arm. 'Is this really where it ends for me, death by Hilichurl..? Thats stupid I cant die yet! I still have so much to do, so much to say...' I limped backwards, pushing my body up against a cliff. Mentally I cursed myself for getting an avoidable situation like this.

With no hope left, I slid my body down the rock formation, bracing myself for the worst. My body felt light and fuzzy, Im assuming its due to the blood loss im experiencing but at least my last moments wouldn't be to painful. I always expected myself to die peacefully but I guess fate had other plans.

I groaned as I closed my eyes for what I thought would be the last time. Not once had Jean left my mind during these last moments, "Im sorry Jean, I cant hold on much longer...I-I love y-you.." I felt my body slip farther and farther away from reality as I held onto my last words.

2 Weeks later:

Gasping for air my sore body shot up, several aches crawled down my back due to the sudden movement. 'Eh it this heaven..? Why does it look so...Weird?' My eyes had yet to adjust to the blinding lights of the hospital room. My head started to throb, attempting to ease the pain l brought my hand up to my head, pressing the palm of my hand into my forehead.

I groan in pain as I analyze my surroundings, piled up bloody sheets sat in the corner of the room right next to a creaked open bathroom door. I slid my body off the bed, only for my face to be met with a cold tiled ground. "Oof" I groaned as I was physically incapable of standing on my own. 'Fucking Hilichurl's.....Wait..im not dead..?' I ran my fingers across the cool floor, feeling every crack and every infraction on the tiles.

  Another painful spark shot though my body, wincing in pain I brought my hand back to my side. I admired the fact I was alive, after near death I felt as if I saw a new light to living. (Other then Jean ofc)

  "Hey Miss Y/N-" The girls tray of food dropped to the floor. "Oh m-my let me help you up..!" The nurse attempted to wrap her arms around my back, successfully earning a loud yelp in response. "A-Ah sorry Miss Y/N.." She grabbed part of my unwounded arm, propping my body up slowly. "T-thanks.." My voice came out as raspy and dry, water, I need water! "Can I *Cough* g-get some water.?" The nurse nodded as she laid my fragile body back onto the hospital bed.

It felt like she took hours to return, but it was most likely only about a minute. When she finally did return I snatched the cup from her and downed the water instantly. "Please slow down ma'am.." I now paced my drinking, following her request.

Everything hurt, each breath I took felt like I was getting stabbed. I shut my eyes, I just need a second to adjust...

2 Hours later:

Waking up once again, I heard soft snores coming from the left side of my hospital bed. Shifting my aching body I was met with Jeans beautiful features. I stared there in 'Awe' as I disregarded the pain I was in. Shakily, I brought my hand up to her face, lightly caressing her cheeks. 'She actually came...' I thought as she shuffled in her sleep.

  Moments later my eyes met with her slowly opening swollen eyes. "Y/N I WAS SO WORRIED!" Tears escaped her beautiful eyes as she brought my body into a tight hug. I did everything I could to contain the small yelp forming in my throat, to no avail. My body slightly jerked as I yelped out of pure pain.

  "Oh my...Im sorry!" Jean whispered, clearly concerned about my current state. "I-Its alright, just a bit sore.." 'Just a bit' was a lie, my body was on fire. Softly, she wrapped her arms around my waist as carefully as she could, placing my head into her chest. "I-I was so worried Y/N, I thought you d-died before I found you..." Light sobs started to fill the room as she attempted to keep her composure. There wasn't much I could do in this situation, especially in my current state so I did the only thing I knew I could. Gently I nuzzled my aching body closer to hers, as painful as it was I would do it again if it meant I could ease the situation in the slightest.

  "Im al-al-alright see..?" I shakily said as I wrapped my bloody bandaged arms around her. Each movement made me feel as if it couldn't get any worse, but it continued to become more painful. After a few moments of silence and a few sniffles I heard Jeans heart rate slowly returning to a steady beat.

  I sighed into her chest, relieved she had calmed down so quickly. Out of all the melodies I have heard, her heartbeat was my favorite, for it fueled my will to continue on. (Poetic rizz?!)

Lost in my thoughts it took me a moment to notice she had fallen asleep again, lightly snoring atop my head. 'How cute, she must have worked herself up again.' (IDK IF THIS MAKES SENSE?) I slowly readjust my body as I eased more into her touch.

  "Thank you for actually caring..." I whispered softly as my body too slipped into sleeps embrace.


YIPPEEE FINISHED! Please feel free to leave requests or scenario you would like to see!

Next chapter: How Genshin girls show love. 💖

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