"Hide & seek..!" (Ningguang x Reader.)

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I love Geo-mommy~!💖


_________________________________Category: Fluff!!Warnings: CursingWords:

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Category: Fluff!!
Warnings: Cursing

Y/N: Your name
N/N- Nickname
H/C: Hair color
S/L Short OR long
E/C- eye color


  "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN..!" You giggled as you ran into a wooded forest area. When it came to dating Ningguang it was practically impossible to get her attention while she was working, only shifting her attention to you if you were either dying or crying.

Today you were feeling extra needy for her attention so you did the only rational thing, 'running away.' (Dramatic much Y/N.) Your footsteps fell hard on the grassy terrain as you gained distance from her, if she caught you now, all of this would have been for nothing. Swiftly, you take a sharp left turn into a large abandon shack. Your steps calmed as you halted your body, scanning the room for potential hiding spots.

  'Bingo!' You spotted a dingy corner with a rusted piece of scrap metal leaned up against its exterior. You couldn't help but take notice to the faint sound of heels brushing up against the damp grass outside the moldy doors. 'Crap that was fast!' You ducked under the scrap metal, holding your breath as the doors creaked opened. The white haired lady scuffed her heels on the wooded floor, only stopping to analyze her surroundings.

  "Dear you know you cant hide from me~." Her husk voice uttered as she checked behind a pile of boxes. "Ill spare you from a rough punishment if you come out~." She impatiently tapped her heals on the ground. Not wanting to give in you remained in your dusty corner, only taking quick breaths when necessary.

"Ara~ its seems my dear Y/N doesn't want to budge." She stopped tapping her heel, turning her attention to another group of boxes. "I guess that means ill just have to find you myself.." She tipped over the boxes, causing a loud crash in the shack. You squeaked, quickly slapping your hand onto your mouth. 'Oh no..' You felt her shift her attention in your direction, lightly tapping her heels once again. "Ah was that a squeak I heard~.." She cooed, making her way to the dingy corner.

  "You know, I was gonna go easy on you...but now.." She halted her body in front of your hiding spot. "You will be roughly punished~!" She slid her slender finger along the metal, taunting you as you held your breath. Suddenly your cover was blown as the white haired lady ripped away the rusty metal. "Ara~ looks like I found you my dear~." She quickly lifted your body with little to no effort, swinging you across her shoulder. "NOOO I WAS SO CLOSEEE!!" You whined as you attempted to wiggle yourself out of her grip. After a few minutes of struggling you finally gave up, allowing your body to fall limp on her shoulder.

  "Hmph!" You crossed your arms, exhaling with pure disappointment. "Dearie you know you cant escape me.." Ningguang cooed seductively as she tightened her grip around your body. You squeaked, roughly grabbing onto her shirt in response. "I-I just wanted your attention~!" Sighing, she swung you into bridal style as she continued to walk out of the wooded area.

  After you got back to the Jade Chamber:

  You looked up at her poutily, keeping your arms crossed as her heels continued on. "Well now you have all my attention dearie~." Ningguang seductively teased. She slid one of her hands up your shirt, her slender hands tracing your chest. You gasped, placing your hand over your mouth as she pinned you onto your shared bed, straddling your legs.

  "Did you expect me to forget your punishment dearie~..?"


Next chapter: IDK, REQS?

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