19 - surgery

180 4 1

The night was coldly . Aeri get out from her vehicle and walk towards mingyu door . She knock the door and have no response .

" Urgh .. gosh! Mingyu open the door! "

She tried to call mingyu and have no answer . She tried to look at the side if there were lights on that's mean he was there .

" Where is this jerk go? " aeri sigh

Aeri look to the window there's no light were on . She then feels weird . Where did mingyu go . Aeri then give up and leave his house immediately . After she left the house , wonu car was coming and park outside the house . Wonu wondering who's car that just came out from mingyu house .

" Who is that " wonu thoughts and get out from the car and head to the house

Wonu prepared mingyu clothes and bring some his stuff that he always need and put it on the bag . After he closed the door , he remind again about the car that just leave soon as he came . Wonu come into the cctv room which is beside mingyu room and switch on the cctv to check who is come over just now .

" Aeri? " wonu saw aeri was in front of the house on cctv

" What is she doing here? "

" Argh .. forgot that she didn't know mingyu at hospital "

Then he left after saw the cctv video . Wonu put the bag on the trunk and leaving the house .


Seol eyes looked swollen after cry . She already fell asleep on dokyeom shoulder meanwhile cheol still on call at the side .

" She must be tired " dokyeom sigh

Seungkwan and joshua came while bring some food .

" Did she sleep? " seungkwan whisper

Dokyeom nodded . Joshua approach cheol back and he turn around after startled.

" Let's eat first " shua told cheol

" Oh .. alright .. "

" Dokyeom .. can you lift seol and bring her to the car " cheol spoke

" I-i don't think i-i can ... just wait until wonu hyung come "

" But we need to eat .. you guys should have dinner right now .. "

" It's okay hyung .. you can go first with shua , seungkwan and dino .. later wonu come , we will go there .. "

" Are you sure? "

" Of course hyung .. trust me .. "

" Take care of seol .. call me if anything happen "

" Okay .. "

The rest was leaving to the main center of the hospital to eating food that seungkwan and joshua brought . After 30 minutes , wonwoo coming with the stuff he was pack at mingyu house . Seol head was put into dokyeom thigh to make sure she sleep well .

" Where's the rest? Why is seol .. "

" She sleeping .. cheol hyung told me earlier .. he wants you lift seol and bring her to his car .. let her sleep there "

" Me? "

" Yea .. who else then? "

" You got the keys? "

" Here " dokyeom gave cheol car key

" Bring this stuff to mingyu ward first and come here again "

" Okay "

After dokyeom sending the stuff to the room , he came immediately to helping wonu bring seol to cheol car . Wonwoo the began to lift seol body to his chest tightly to make sure she didn't fall . The two was at cheol parking lot and dokyeom open the door for wonu to put seol lay down . Luckily she didn't wake up because she was tired after cry a lot seeing mingyu .

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