36 - cemetery

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2 day after the sanghoon birthday was passed . The people's in Seoul keep busying with work even in the crowd of the street . Mingyu was sitting on his chair with phone on his hand , wondering why wonwoo keep acting cold lately even in the office . Wonwoo knock the door and mingyu flinched as he startled .

" What again " mingyu sighed and goes to his chair

" Your father told me he assigned you to the strategic planning team "

" WHATT??! Father said that? "

" Yes , he want you to assess our stockholders within this week and get the earnings report from the local subsidiaries of the Trade team "

" Urgh .. why now " mingyu laid his back

" That's why it called 'work' kim mingyu " wonwoo knock his table

" Wait hyung .. why you being so icy these days , what's on your mind "

Wonwoo put his hand on the pocket .

" What are you talking about? "

" You look upset , are you good? "

" Me? Upset? I didn't "

" You think i'm dumb? Just from your reaction i'd know that you have something on your mind .. now just tell me .. probably i could help you "

" Urgh .. nevermind i'm leaving " wonwoo walk straight out from his office

" Yah hyung , ahh jjinja " mingyu rolling his eyes and sighs


Seol and haneul waiting for yeomin on the streets which is closer with cafe jungwoo area . Then yeomin arrived on time , and get out from her vehicle .

" Eonni i'm sorry .. did i make you both wait? " yeomin spoke

" No .. not really it's okay .. as long as no one's follow us here " haneul response

" Great .. whoa seol .. you bought a flower? For jungwoo? "

" Yea .. well it's also from us not me only " seol replied

" Okay now let's go "

Yeomin then wrapped her arm around seol and haneul arm cause she was walked in the middle . Their came in and saw the cafe vibes a bit changed and still have few customers inside there .

" Welcome " - staff 1

" Let's sit there " haneul point

They have a seat and one of the waitress took an order . After done choosing the food , seol keep look around if jungwoo was there or not .

" The flowers smell nice and fresh " yeomin smell the bouquet of crocus flower

" I didn't saw him around " seol spoke

" Yeah me too " haneul also keep searching

The waitress came with their drinks and putting it down to the table one by one .

" Omo .. seolhee eonni " - staff 2

" Hey .. you still recognize me "

" Yes i am , i didn't knew that you was here , well here the drink of yours "

" Thankyou " seol replied

" Anyway may i know where's the owner of this cafe? " haneul asked

" Oh , he's didn't coming yet "

" I see .. did he usual came late? " haneul keep asking

" Em .. what could i say but he is . Our boss always been here late since the death of his mother past 2days ago "

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