distance makes the heart grow fonder

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heyyyy guys! sorry i havent written for ages. ive been really ill but i having been working on a couple of chapter ideas :D ~jess xxx


3 weeks later-

*Summers POV*

Today is mine and Rachaels month aniversary...I can't believe we have been together for so long. But it has been hard these past few weeks, not being able to see each other because ive been so busy with my GCSE's. 'Miss Wesson, fancy paying attention to the board please?' breaking off my little day dream i turned to face the board, the class giggled as Mrs Smith frowned at me 'I don't get payed to watch you day dream Summer'

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as Mrs Smith turned back around to the board, my stomach flipped hoping it was Rachael telling me about the suprise she had planned for me after school. unlocking my phone i was sad to see it was only from callum,callums one of my best mates we have been friends since the day i started, 'hey fancy coming town with me after school?' texting back i tried to think of an excuse to cover for me going with rachael 'sorry, gotta look after my mum :( raincheck?' sending my reply i put the phone in my pocket just as the bell went for end of school. shoving my things in my bag as quickly as possible i dodged past my fellow classmates trying to reach my locker as quickly as possible. Opening it up i pulled my clothes for this evening of the top shelf and placed them neatly in my canvas bag. As i was gathering my books so i could some revision over the weekend i felt a pair of arms wrap around my stomach. Shocked i whipped my head to the side to find callum standing behind me, i could feel his breath on my neck and it caused me to squirm. Noticing my reaction to him breathing on my neck he bent down to whisper in my ear "whats wrong jess? thought you liked this, well you seemed to like it when you were getting freaky with Miss Bell" whipping round i pushed him away from me and felt rage build up inside me "what the hell! how the hell do you know about me and her!?!" he laughed and grinned evily at me " calm down miss wesson, save getting hot and bothered for rachael, its not my fault i was simply walking past the projection one day when i heard a moan, so innocent me opened the door to be met with the sight of you and her getting groovy on the table. I'm quite shocked you where never that passionate with me" i saw red as i lashed out at him " how dare you watch us you sick pervert!" he laughed as i smashed my fists against his chest. Only now did i realise the looks i was getting from people. "come on miss wesson follow me, stop causing a scene" i blew out a large puff of air and swung my bag onto my shoulder following him down a empty corridor " what the fuck do you want callum!" i was seriously pissed at this guy! " ahh summer, the question is who do i want and the answer is you" he laughed at my face as i took in what he said "what, i don't understand.. you.. you want to date me again?" he laughed and shook his head "Yes Summer, did you really think i would let you leave me.. i said i was going to get you back i just needed a perfect oppurtunity and then this little 'situation' occured" i stood there dumb founded at what he had just said.. he didn't honestly think i would date him did he? with this i laughed and stepped towards him until i was a few inches from his face " i wouldn't date you again if you were the last person on earth now get away from me you sick pervert!" he grabbed my arm and dug his nails into my arm, i yelped in pain and walked back, tripping over the fire extinguisher in the corner of the corridor. falling over i bashed into the wall, i felt his body press against me as he forced his lips against mine. i tried to scream but his mouth muffled my cries. i felt his tongue pushing against my teeth fighting for entrance, feeling him dig into my arm harder i opened my mouth and felt his tongue search around my mouth. i felt the tears fall down my face as he trailed his hand up the inside of my shirt, cupping his hand of my bra he started to squize and massage them. i moved my head trying to see if there was anyone else around.. sadly there was no one. his hand left my bra and crept down to my trousers slipping underneath my pants, bawling my eyes out i tried to push him away as he explored my privates with his fingers. I felt sick as his hard crotch dug into my stomach. breaking our kiss he turned to face me.. " I know you want me Summer, admit it" hearing him say these words i felt my stomach flip and i began to retch, he jumped away from me as i ran over to the bin. Throwing the remainder of my lunch up I sunk to the floor, he bent down until he was level with me " You have 24 hours to decide about what us Summer or i may just send a certain video to everyone in the school" i gasped, standing up he walked away leaving me in a heaped mess on the floor. I drew my knees up to my chest and sobbed my heart out.. feeling my phone vibrate i pulled it out of my pocket "Summer it's me, where are you?" I tried to swallow the lumps in my throat " i .. please.. rachael.. i.. come and get me please" i burst into hysterical sobs again " oh my god! summer, what's wrong where are you?" i tried to answer her between cries "the..science...corridor..by..the..stairs" closing my phone i buried my head into my knees waiting for her to come. 30 seconds later she burst through the door, seeing me lying there she rushed over with the look of panic on her face. " honey what's wrong? talk to me" she wrapped her arms around me as i bawled my eyes out into her shoulder. I felt her shake with anger as i told her what callum did to me " did..did he rape you" she looked at me with great concern "no.. but i think he might have done if i hadn't of been sick.." she pulled me closer and started to rock me back and forth comforting me " come on, we need to get you home. let's forget about my suprise for you. i just want to make sure your safe" i looked up at her and gave her a weak smile. my heart hurt as tears of empathy slid down her face. I wiped them away with my hand. She pressed her hand against mine and knelt her head into my hand. " come on, i need a bath" she supported me as i stood up still weak from being sick. she wrapped her arms around my waist and steadied me as we made the way to her car, luckily it was quite late and most of the teachers had left so there was no one around in the car park as rachael lowered me into the car closing the door i shivered as i felt the cold of the weather.. seeing me shiver rachael turned up the heater "try and sleep it will take atleast an hour to get to my house" taking her advice i drew my knes up on my chair and leant my head against the side of the door. The motion and heat of the car lulled me into a deep sleep...


Drama's!! sorry i was so ill guys, thats why i treated you to a long chapter.. going to update soon, but have a HUGE english essay to finish :(

~jess <3

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