21- 3 Boys, one party

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Draco's POV

I was sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace. My favorite spot in the Slytherin common room. I smoked my cigarette and enjoyed the music. The party had begun but as usual most Slytherin were late. It was eleven, and now the party was really getting started. Nott was just going at it with the girls. After lunch he was fucking Daphne Greengrass in the potions classroom. In the evening I saw him outside the girls dorm making out with Luna Lovegood.

Before he got here he was with a lower year Gryffindor in his dorm room getting his dick sucked and now he had Cho on his lap tongue fucking her mouth. I was really hoping Dani wouldn't see this disgusting sight.

Blaise sat next to me. He brought three shots. Probably tequila his favorite poison. "Oy Nott, stop slobbering and come drink with us!" He raised the shot glasses.

Nott pushed Cho off him and made his way to us. We threw the shots back. "Bloody hell Blaise what was that?" My throat still burning. He laughed. "No clue mate." He shrugged. Typical fucking Zambini. Nott didnt even flinch. I stared at him.

"So you and Dani. It's done?" Blaise raised his finger pointing at him and Cho. This man was really testing their friendship. Nott's face turned into a scowling mess. "For now." He said deadly. I sipped my drink just being a silent spectator.

"So from what I see over there five seconds ago that means Dani's free game?" He asked with out any hesitation. He was really pushing it. Nott just stared at him. I cleared my throat. "Just saying can't have it both ways." Blaise shrugged. Lorenzo wrapped his arm around Nott's  neck. "Of course the whore's free game." He chuckled. Nott shrugged his arm off him. "Do whatever you want I could care less." Nott spat.

Well that was clearly a lie. Blaise seemed self assured. "Not that she would ever go for you." Nott scoffed before sitting back down and pulling Cho on his lap. "We'll see about that." Blaise said with a tick of anger.

Here we go again. I was beginning to feel grateful Dani was my cousin and off limits. I was living drama free.

"Hey Draco." Granger came up to me. Clearly our last 'study session' left her breathless. I cocked my head to the side. A grin forming on my face. "Back for more lessons Granger?" I taunted with her. Her perfect face blushed. Merlin, did I love to see her that way. I patted the seat next to and she snuggled up with me.

The common room doors opened with a loud slam. And I saw Dani walk arguing with someone behind her. Way to make an entrance this girl.

Seconds later Riddle followed behind her like a dog on a leash. "Are they together now?" Granger asked me softly. I shook my head negatively.

"Are you fucking crazy?" She yelled. He grabbed her wrist. "You chose this! Don't talk to me that way. There will be consequences!" He said baring his teeth. "I'll do what I please. Get off me!" She pushed him and made her way towards the other side to the common room area. Hell of a lot of sexual tension between the two of them.

He followed after her. I lost them behind the wall, I couldn't see them. Most people noticed the commotion. Nott turned to see what was happening. "That was her choice." He said to the group. What a fucking prick; all for his god damn pride.

"Granger let me go see what the fuck is going on. I'll be back." She nodded understanding as I made my way to find were they went.

I went to the other side. She was pouring herself a drink. Her face was red and angry. Riddle next to her just angrily smoking and staring at her. He looking like he was about to fuck her or kill her I couldn't really decide.

He was sucking on the butt of the cigarette like there was not tomorrow. The heavy smoke left his mouth clouding the entire area.

"What are you bickering for? It's a bloody party. People come to have fun here." I said. She turned to me. "And I intend on doing so." She grabbed her drink and pushed past me hitting my shoulder with hers. My eyes went wide with disapproval.

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