31- Polyjuice

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Polyjuice Potion was a potion that allowed the drinker to assume the form of someone else.

Dani's POV

My head hurt from all the chatter these old widows had been going on about. It was time to see my friends and talk to Damian. I found Lorenzo at the bar. "Hello, I see you made it." I said smugly. He turned to look at me clearly annoyed. "Yes....I said this before. I'm here for my friends. You use to be one of them before you went all evil and joined teams with Riddle." I rolled my eyes.

I touched his shoulder. "Dear Lorenzo you are of no interest in me to harm,  nor are our friends. Please enjoy the night. That wine right there I heard is killer." I smirked and he quickly dropped the wine. Pussy.

Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Nott were no where to be seen. I went to the main room. Nothing. I furrowed my brows. The only person from Hogwarts was drinking at the bar. I turned back to Lorenzo. "Where is everyone?" I wondered.

He turned to look at me fully annoyed. "Dani I don't know if it's all the cocaine but you literally were up with Lorenzo and Blaise about twenty minutes ago. If you lost them it's a you problem." He snorted and left. I went up? Was I having some sort of blackouts again? Only this time I was doing things I didn't remember. My pulse was normal and I didn't feel high.

I retraced my where abouts. I was with Riddle outside. I walked in Madam Smith stopped to ask about my mother. Then I spoke to Mary Silverclaw, the third wife of my twice removed uncle. Strange woman. Then I saw Narcissa she offered me a glass of champagne. Then I spoke with some old ladies, about their pugs. After I made my way to find my friends. I wasn't missing time. What was going on?

I made my way upstairs. I heard Damian's voice. He was talking to someone in the hallway. I hid behind the large white column. I tucked in my dress so I wouldn't be visible.

"Well Miriam that was quite the show." Damian chuckled. His voiced echoed down the long hallway. It was dark in my location. There was no way he could see me. I peaked and saw myself. I furrowed my brows. "I know those boys are hungry for attention. Danielle could have them doing her bidding but she's going around that Riddle boy. Maybe now he will hate her enough to stop pestering and giving her hopes." The woman said in my voice. It was like hearing a strange recoding. I poked my head out. That woman even looked like me. She shook her head and laughed at Damian.

Her dress was a copy of mine. Exactly the same only it lacked the fine gems. Her body morphed suddenly. She started to change. Her golden hair grew back and her slimmer figure was hollow in my look alike dress. It was my.... My mother. Polyjuice. I thought instantly. But why?

"Get Danielle to the main hall soon. I have to change out of this horrendous dress so no one knows." She muttered and went into the last door. Her room. Damian shook his head and whistled his way downstairs. I tip toed to my room. It was four doors to the right. I walked in only to find Nott and Zambini naked and getting dressed.

"Whoa, what did I walk into?" My eyes went wide. Where they? No. It couldn't be. Blaise pulled me in a kiss, I pushed him off. "What the fuck?" I whisper yelled. "Don't play coy, back for more fun?" Nott smirked.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "What were we doing?" I asked slowly. "New game?" Blaise pulled me in. "Sure." I muttered. "You were about to ride me while Nott watched, and telling him how he should be careful not to loose you." He winked and started kissing my neck. I pushed him off. "Did I do anything with Nott?" I asked. Anger was rising within me. What dirty game was my mother playing at?

"Why all the questions I'm bored!" Blaise protested. He pulled the strap of my dress. I walked backwards.

"Tell me or no games." I demanded. "You only sucked our dicks and kissed me why?" Nott started to realize my confusion. I stepped backwards. She wouldn't.

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