57- Death Eater Meeting

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The room was dimly lit with candles on the wall. The colors where all muted grays and the mold was growing on the ceiling. The house was about forty years old and unattended for the past twenty. Voldemort himself had destroyed the family long ago. Leaving them with no heirs and an empty house he called meetings to. The night was foggy and chilly. Most were gathered. Even the younger members; his son, Dani Silverclaw, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy and the newest member Pansy Parkinson. Pansy joined out of love and devotion to Draco. Draco joined out of obligation to his father. Mattheo was born into it. Theodore was a legacy as he claimed. Dani, was looking for love- fatherly love. They all failed. Yet they still came. Like a victim to abuse. Promises where made in the dark. Everyone had their own bidding tonight.

Dani's POV

I nervously tugged on my shirts hem. I was so worried. Mattheo gave me a soft squeeze on my shoulder as we walked in. He had a black duffle bag on his shoulder, I didn't even want to know what was in it.

It was quiet. No one said anything and I wondered if Snape had heard through the grapevine what they did to me. He wore his usual solemn expression, yet his eyes alert.

I stayed silent through the whole meeting. I wasn't in a position to speak. Mattheo leaned down to my ear. I smelt his woodsy cologne. So delicious. I felt Bellatrix eyes on me from afar.

"Meet me in the second bedroom upstairs in ten minutes. Stay with Nott and Malfoy while I'm gone." He said barely a whisper. He looked me in the eyes. I couldn't read his expression. He walked away leaving me glancing at his sting back.

He wondered off I stood next to Theodore, who was smoking and flicked some dust off his black pants. "You alright?" He asked puffing out some smoke from his cigarette.
I shrugged. "I'm alright." I said calmly and he offered me a cigarette. I took it and he lit it with his red lighter. I raised a brow at him. "Red? Ouf traitorous color." I joked referring to the colors of our rival house in quidditch.

Draco strolled next to me with his usual slow yet dominant walk. His sleeves rolled up and his white button up a bit wrinkled. He placed his hand on my arm and held me awkwardly. His left eye was bruised. Probably his father gave him another of his "lessons".

Pansy was "talking" to one of the death eaters in another room. "Where's Pansy?" I asked to verify my suspicions. I could spot her but I saw her walk into the kitchen are with a tall figure.

Draco rolled his eyes. "With a dick in her mouth, nothing out of the ordinary. That girl is better off not talking." He shook his head. I nodded. Theodore snickered. "Someone is clearly hurt it isn't his dick in her mouth." He smirked. Draco rolled his eyes. "You're being pathetic Nott." He spat back.

Snape walked up to us. He had a dark cloak on him, very Snape of him. "You should be heading back."  He said to all of us but kept his eyes on me. "Yes professor we will." Theodore shook his head the smugness he had seconds ago gone from his face. His blue eyes matching Snape's serious expression.

I looked at my leather watch it had been eleven minutes. A family heirloom I hated but wore, as a reminder where I came from.

"I'll be back." I nodded to the boys. Theodore just stared at me. "Where are you going?" Draco muttered. I looked at him. His face looked like he was about to punch someone. His lips formed a snarl, but patiently waited for me to answer.

"Upstairs to meet Mattheo." I whispered. Him and Theodore just nodded, strangely. No snide comment, nothing. Odd coming from the two of them. I stared at them for a few and then made my way to the old wooden stairs at the end of the hall.

The steps were making a loud noise as I went up and one of the wooden panels was missing. I made a small leap forward landing very roughly. I felt like a child jumping around. I leaned on the moldy wall placing my palm up against it, to get my balance back.

The paint crumbled in my palm leaving a chalky texture. "Gross." I muttered and wiped the dust on my skirt, I could care less. I creeped around. Mattheo was no where in sight. "Mattheo?" I whispered, opening a door to an empty bedroom. It was quiet. I heard a shriek from the end of the floor. He said the second bedroom but not which side. I made my way to the other side. I slowly turned the rusty, golden knob.

"Finally you're here!" Mattheo yelled triumphantly. I walked in to see Peter Pettigrew and Greyback tied to a metal bed. The mattress springs were out and with holes. Both of them squirmed and Greyback was furious. Both had socks stuffed in their mouths. Mattheo was grinning.

"What's going on?" I asked carefully. Mattheo stepped close to me, his face had blood but it was minor scratches. "Baby now you will play with them. My gift to you. Nothing is off limits." His mischievous grin had a hint of evil. He kissed my lips passionately. My heart felt like it was fluttering. Not only from the deep kiss but from his gift to me.

A grin spread on my lips. "Anything?" I asked. "Do whatever you want I only ask to watch the show. And enjoying their screams." He caressed my cheek. He handed me his knife. "There's more where that came from. I brought all sorts of toys. Over at the table in the duffel bag." He smirked. I wrapped my arms around him. "I love you." I whispered in his lips. He passionately kissed me, and a groan interrupted us. "I guess they can't wait to play." Mattheo pointed at them. "Let me carve them up." I said smugly. "Take your time." He winked.

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