65-All alone in the party

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Dani's POV
Mattheo took a deep breath in. "Seriously?" He said through his teeth. I clenched my jaw. I told him everything I remembered. He listened silently until now. It was like I was some child, he had to check up on and it pissed me off. My time at Hogwarts was nothing but a train wreck. I couldn't even imagine it would be like this.

"Seriously what, Mattheo? I told you all I remember." I crossed my arms. I was feeling so much pressure and for what? I was tired of the constant negativity and stress. He clicked his tongue annoyed. "Nothing. You need to stop being naive Dani." He scanned the room. I rolled my eyes and shut my notebooks aggressively. Blaise just leaned back on the wooden chair. "Look guys, I love the drama and entertainment you bring but honestly... this..." he motioned his finger between us. "Is. Exhausting. Regardless, tonight be normal please." He let out a deep breath. Mattheo didn't look at him. "Yeah, we will be there." I shot him a look. "We?" I questioned. He nodded.

Pansy's POV
I looked at Dani, as she was putting on her makeup. "You know that corset is gonna drive Mattheo and Theo mad." I said slyly. She smirked looking at me through the mirror. She'd been going through it. I get it. She put down her pink foundation brush and turned to look at me. "So Pans, how are things with you and..." She trailed off.

I took a deep breath. "Well I mean. Draco is a bloody arsehole." I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I couldn't even bare to think about the way he acted. "I kinda wanna get back at him." I muttered. A glint in Dani's eyes sparked. "Well... I do love Malfoy, but he isn't right for you. Do you really want to get back at him?" She asked coyly. I nodded taking a deep puff of smoke.

"So. One do not under any circumstances hook up with him. Two act like everything is perfectly okay. Three flirt with someone new, someone he cannot handle you doing so. Any ideas?" She smirked. "You really are a devil." I laughed. I thought for a minute. Harry Potter. "Potter?" I questioned. She nodded. "Two birds one stone would be Ron. Hermione seems to have a thing for him. Just saying." She giggled. My brows shot up. "Very well then. It seems we will have a splendid time." I smiled pleased. Ron was the type of guy who wasn't attractive but also wasn't unattractive he was average but very funny.

I remembered two years ago we were in a class together and partnered up. He was utterly funny but extremely dumb. I could handle him. A little cleavage, some drinks and sensuality was all I needed. As if he got laid that often. I was basically a gift to him.

"I really got your gears turning." Dani giggled. I nodded laughing. "What about bratty Matty?" I asked using our nickname for him. Something I prayed to Merlin he wouldn't find out about. Dani and I came up with it after a drunk night when she complaining about him.

She plugged in her curling iron. "He said he would meet me there but first he had to do some 'work'." She air quoted. I clicked my tongue. "Well whatever, as long as sexy Tom doesn't show up to swoop you off your feet." I sarcastically said. I saw a blush creep up on her face.

"Dani no." I warned. She shrugged. "No I know. I know." She shook her head. It seemed it was more so to convince herself than me.

Mattheo's POV
It's bloody twelve where is he? Where could he possibly be?
"Brother." I heard his distinct sly voice from behind me. I threw my cigarette away. "Finally." I said without turning to face him. He walked in front of me to face me. I sat on his big red leather chair. He looked disheveled. His black slacks where wrinkled something that wasn't ever seen on him. His black button up shirt was half open and had glitter on it. "What on earth have you been doing?" I raised my eyebrow. He bend down and picked up my cigarette butt.

"Naughty brother, always littering." He said. Was this imbecile drunk? "Are you drunk Tom?" I hissed. He sat on his desk. "Possibly. You see Mattheo faculty can have fun too. Now to to the point." He muttered.

"I need to know what's your deal with Dani. Is it another plan of our dear father?" I said through my teeth. He rolled my cigarette butt between his fingers. "No. No. I wouldn't do that to the poor girl. I saw her mind he's done enough to her. I have my own agenda." He looked genuinely concerned. His eyes wondered. I got up abruptly. "Sober up for fucks sake. We will talk tomorrow I have plans to attend to tonight. I can't waste time babysitting you." I straightened my white button up. He nodded. "Make sure she is okay." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Make sure you're okay." I shut the door and went to the party.

Dani's POV
"Don't you think it's too much?" I asked Luna. She kept spraying my hair. Pansy laughed. "No! It's cute!! I want some!" Pansy chugged a shot of tequila. "Yes Dani it makes you look fairy like." He angelic smile was so sweet but she was also high.

"I guess..." I looked at myself in the large mirror in the common room. As the lights flickered on me the glitter was so magical on my hair and skin. "Okay fine." I grumbled. "It's nine and people will be getting here let's pre drink!" Blaise said across the room.

Pansy's POV

Ron walked in. It was my time to shine. "Go girl." Dani winked. I grabbed the tequila bottle and sat next to Ron on the big black couch. Harry had went to talk to some Ravenclaw girls. "Hey Pansy." He said shyly. I gave my best smile. "Hi Ron! I brought drinks. May I?" I gave him a cup. He nodded. "So why the sudden interest in me?" He for straight to the point. I was taken aback. He was direct. Maybe I should attack it head on. "Well I'm going to be honest with you." I took a dramatic deep breath.

"I've fancied you since our class together. But you're a Gryffindor and I assumed you would reject me. Fuck I need a drink." I said. I told a big gulp from the bottle. He smiled lopsidedly. "Well that's new. You are really pretty... um let's have that drink." He laughed. Relief washed over me. You got this Pansy I thought to myself.

Dani's POV

Draco walked in. His usual fashion all black clothing  and  a stuck up expression. "Malfoy!" Enzo yelled from next to me. He had his arm around my shoulders. He had gotten a brief update on the Malfoy plan moments ago. "Hi." Draco said more annoyed than usually. "Well someone got a Sri k up their ass today." I smiled sweetly. He glared at me. "Dani shut it." A small smile crept up his face. Until he looked at Pansy and Ron. "Here we go." Enzo whispered in my ear.

I looked at his face change one thousand emotions, but my attention was focused on a tall man walking in the party. Tom.

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