32- Bodies and Shovels

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Dani's POV
Mattheo bent me over the desk. I felt it building up against me. All the emotions. The what ifs. What if he really was my brother? I pushed him off me. I pulled my knife out. "Stay away from me." I snarled. He raised his eyebrows. His face got dark. "You want knife play?" He mused. I shook my head. "No I want you to get out of my room."  He snorted at my words. "You want me to leave? After you called me here? Or did you expect Nott to follow you? Because he didn't. He was looking at you for the monster you are." He spat. I had to make him leave. I had to avoid him. He could be my brother for all I know. If I were his sister I could never tell him, Voldemort would kill him. He was a halfblood, and I wasn't. It was clear the level of superiority I had.

"I don't care about you Riddle. I just wanted to see how desperate you were for me. Now get out.." I pursed my lips. He didn't move. Of course he wouldn't. He stepped closer to me. "I know your lying. I just can't see why. Ever since you stepped foot in this house I can't enter your brain." Hide!
A voice sounded in my head.

He carefully moved around me.

I kept my eyes on him. His never left mine. Foot steps sounded.
Hide! I instinctively hid. "Crusio!" Berkshire yelled running into the door. I hid behind the desk. He hit Riddle. He fell to the ground grunting in pain. The vein on his forehead was popping out.  Lorenzo kicked his wand away.

"Riddle, isn't it time you pay? For being a traitor?" He spat on his face. "Crusio!" He casted again. I felt tear welling up my eyes. Mattheo's screams were filled with pain. "You alone here Riddle? Where's Dani?" Lorenzo shouted. Riddle stayed silent. "Crusio!" Lorenzo casted again. The screams of agony. "Where is she?" He yelled. "I don't know." Riddle whispered. "Crusio!" He casted again. A laugh escaped his lips. Relentlessly he looked down at him. "Crusio!"
Riddles screams broke me.

"Stop!" I screamed and came out. I pulled out my wand. "Don't move." Berkshire pointed his wand to me. "What do you want!" I stayed still.

"Well isn't it obvious? To kill you." He smirked like he'd lost it. As if he was a vigilante. "What justifies that?" I spat. He chuckled. "Crusio!" He casted again on Riddle. "Your boy here was protecting you and you made him suffer for nothing." He mused and walked around Riddle.

I couldn't bare to see him in such pain. "Avada Kedavra!" I yelled and struck Lorenzo. He dropped to the ground. His face hollow. Like his soul was leaving his body. Mattheo was still on the ground. I ran to him. "It's okay." I whispered and kissed his temple.

"Piertotum Locomotor" I casted and levitated him to my bed. I took off his shoes. He grunted in pain. "It's okay I got you." I whispered. Me dress was in the way. Dried blood was everywhere I stepped. I grabbed a water bottle and blankets. He looked up at me. "Thank you." He whispered and passed out. I now had to burry two bodies. I took my dress off and torched it on my balcony.

I wore my sneakers and sweats with a oversized black hoodie. I grabbed Lorenzo's corpse and dragged it out to the balcony. Everyone was gone. It was time to make the plan happen. "Piertotum Locomotor" I casted on his body and threw him over the balcony. It was the easiest was to move him to the garden. I felt no remorse. His lips body made a thud noise as it touched the ground. I needed to clean my mess. I made my way to my mothers room. Her corpse was gone. The blood cleared up. I just stared at the empty room. Did I image it all? I wondered.

I hopped down the stairs. Only to find Draco smoking a cigarette and looking at the body I dropped. "Your doing?" He pointed at it. I nodded. "Nice work." He smirked. I let out a laugh. Nott sat next to Draco with a glass of what looked like scotch. "Ah you." He spoke softly. I was so confused with their calmness. "Well since you all seem so okay with it all care to help me burry him?" I asked them.

"I say torch the bloody bastard." Nott said. Draco paused for a second. "I say cut him limb by limb. I learnt it in muggle studies about this serial killer." He looked awkward. As we all looked at him like he was crazy. We got the big garden shovels and began digging up a hole by an old willow. We were sweaty and covered in dirt. "Who's blood was that before on you?" Nott asked I looked at him with pure anger.
"I got head from Pansy tonight." Draco said out of no where. Probably trying to cover up the awkward staring. I gasped and Nott's eyes went wide.

Nott leaned on his shovel.  "I got head and almost slept with Dani's mom. Dani? Care to share?" Nott said proving Draco's achievements were lesser.
Draco choked on his scotch. "Well I killed my mother and well Lorenzo." I said looking at the deep dark hole we dug. "What?" The said in union. "Well didn't you hear what she did?" I joked and pointed at Nott. "Not to mention she almost fucked Zambini." I said. Draco held his head. I didn't want to tell them the other parts. Draco realized I wasn't well. He reached out and hugged me. Actually hugged me. I sank in the warm, dirt covered hug.

"Why did you kill this bastard?" Draco asked. I threw my shovel and wiped my face. "He wanted to kill me. So I acted before he did. He crusioed Riddle and wanted us dead." They nodded. We buried him and grew grass above the spot to hide it well. We all walked inside. The elves gathered around the fire. Around me.

"What? Attacking me?" I said annoyed. I couldn't kill more tonight. Well I could I just didn't have the energy to burry more. The older one stepped forth. "Miss Silverclaw, you are now our new master as Mrs. Miriam Silverclaw is deceased." I nodded.

I contemplated for a bit. "You are all free, those who wish to stay are welcome to and work for their living, food and payment. The rest are free. If you choose to stay your loyalties are with me and only me." I said firmly. They thought about it. Many thanked me and about three decided to stay. "We are still in debt to you. Regardless of our stay." The five that left told me.

I sat on the big black couch. I grabbed a cigar and the bottle of expensive, aged burin. I drank from the bottle. "Here." I passed the bottle to the boys.

"I hate to bring this up but where did you put your mothers corpse?" Draco asked me warily. I shrugged and looked into the fire. "I have no idea, when I went up to get it....there was no corpse or blood stains. So I don't know." I closed my eyes and leaned my head backwards.

"And your not concerned?" Nott asked me. "Nope." I said. "What is concerning is why you two were still here?and why you helped me." I raised my eyebrow at them. "I stayed because I needed a break from daddy Riddle and my family." Draco breathed deeply. If only he would've known daddy Riddle might've been mine as well. "I stayed because I was worried about you." Nott added.  "We helped because we are in this together. We are family. Draco leaned in our for heads touching. He was right. "Dani I love you even if we aren't together. Your burdens are ours." Nott added. A tear filled my eye. "Stop it you assholes I'm going to cry." I said and grabbed the bottle from Draco's hand.

Riddle's POV

"Riddle boy, Danielle is your sister." A whisper heard from a far. A chuckle. One I knew too well. A feline chuckle like a cat. "You heard me. You share your daddy. And daddy doesn't like half bloods." His smooth voice spoke to me. I jolted up.

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