Chapter 1

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❤︎︎Present Day❤︎︎

"Shit sorry Jaime , there was a delay on the tube and it took forever to fix" Jules said, as she rushed into her bosses office.
Jaime had told her he had a new assignment for her and she was anxious to know what it could be.

Jules had been working for dirty hit since 2019 , she had made quite a name for herself over the years and was sought out by Jaime and offered a job at the record label, mainly helping edit music videos and be a part of their social media team.

Though the job required her having to move to a different county, she didn't mind especially since this was her dream job. Unfortunately she had not been able to work on a project for her favorite band yet, since their team was pretty much full, so she was placed helping the smaller artist signed to the label, but all that was about to change.

The man chuckles " Relax jules it's ok, I know London transport is a bitch sometimes" he responds and motions for her to sit down.

"So what's the new assignment?" she asks, sending Jaime a hopeful smile. "Well Jules I know you've been working so hard these past 2 years. You've easily become one of the best employees we have here, so when this job came up I thought you'd be the best fit for it" Jaime responded, smiling and leaning back in his chair.

" aw Jaime that means alot to me" Julie responded, turning slightly pink at the compliments that were just thrown her way.

"Of course, now the job Jules is for Head of tour merchandise and social media, so essentially you will be the overseer of all the merch tables and will also run the bands social media page" , this caused a big grin to spread on her face, this was her dream job and jaime knew it, but it was about to get better.

" Wow Jaime, I don't know what to say, thank you so much. '' She smiled and had to fight the urge to break out in happy tears. "So who's the band I would be going on tour with?" She asked.

" The 1975"

A/N :

I hope you enjoyed! i promise the next couple chapters will be longer!

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