Chapter 19

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Author's Note

Long overdue, but worth it?? I dunno, you tell me! :) x ~Megs x


Chapter 19 

Niall's POV 

I woke up to hear Bella snoring softly. I smiled to myself, it was cute. I sighed softly, but it was definitely a happy sigh, except I knew that she would probably want us to help her pack, not to mention other things, but it didn't matter. I loved her. I wasn't sure at first, and maybe I might not be fully there, but I know I'm falling for her. You know that tightness in your chest when you see the dream person, the flutter of your heart when they smile, or touch you, and the smile you have on your face that makes you giddy and fall over yourself. I felt like falling onto the floor everytime we kissed, it was magical, and it felt endless. Yes, I was falling hard, flat onto my face, and it wasn't a bad thing at all.

I watched her move slightly in my arms, snuggling a little closer to me, and I smiled again as I began stroking her hair softly. It flowed through my fingers like silk, it was a beautiful dark hazel brown and it was slightly wavy, but so smooth. 

I then sighed again softly. I had promised, and I would keep the promise. I would have to tell her someone on the tour about.... well about what we all didn't want to mention.

But if someone had to do it, it would have to be me or Harry, and Harry wasn't anywhere close. He had even told his mother not to tell. And I respected his decision, except maybe it wasn't the best thing for Bella. The best thing for us to do, was to be honest, and truthful, to make it as painless as possible before we ripped off the bandage.


 Bella's POV

 I felt the sheets crumpling like fragile flowers underneath my fingers and I groaned softly before I began to shift. I then realized I couldn't move because Niall had his arms wrapped around me loosely, but with no intention of letting go. His hand shifted to my hair and he began to run his fingers through it as he let out a soft sigh. I wondered what he meant by that. What could he possibly be thinking?

Then I smiled. I had to pack my bags, but more than that, I had a song in mind that I needed to finish. I had dreamt of it a little, the same words repeating in my head, Stand up and remember. I was sure I knew the meaning, and the same image of me in a hospital room, crying and screaming, which had some significance, except I couldn't pinpoint what. I assumed it was when my mother had been in hospital, except I wasn't so sure. The pain I felt when I remembered still felt so real, but it had to be her. It had to be mum, because she meant so much.

I shook the thoughts from my mind and my fingers began playing with the ring on my finger, signalling a promise not long forgotten.

"Morning Niall," I sigh softly and he jerks slightly in surprise as he stops playing with my hair and he kisses me softly on my forehead, the bed stooping slightly underneath his weight.

"Morning love," he said and I smiled. Love. It had so many different meanings, all in one. But one was love.

I sighed before I unwrapped his arm from me and rolled over and found my footing on the ground, feeling a little groggy as I gained my balance. I rubbed my eyes lightly before yawning with a small stretch.

"I'm going to get dressed," Niall stated and I got the meaning. I don't want you to watch, although you can.

I grunted. I didn't really care.

"Whatever Niall," I yawned again and shook myself. I couldn't be tired! Not three days before we left!

"Okay," Niall replied and there was a rustling of clothing whilst I averted my gaze towards the phone near the mini-fridge. Room service!

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