Manik's pov
Its 9pm and she is still not out of the room. In the morning I came back to the place where I left her but she wasn't there I called her names 3 to 4 times but she wasn't there so I came back home and Navya told me she is in her room
I knocked the door but there was no response. I opened the door to see no one around I checked in the bathroom but no clue
I picked up the flashlight and left the house in a hurry going towards the jungle
I went to the same place where I left her in the morning
"Nandini! Nandini? Are you there?" I shouted as loud as I could
There are animals around I can listen the sounds oh god I just hope she is save
I ran inside more and more taking her name but there was no clue
Nandini's pov
"Mama Please save me Please save me" I was blabbering again and again
Why I didn't went with him why? I am so stupid!
I listened some sounds and the sound was very clear as like someone is here so close to me
"Who...who is there?" I shouted but the very second moment I shut my mouth tightly
It can be some animal!
I saw a flashlight moving here and there.
Who is it?
"Nandini! Nandini!"
I stood up and ran towards the direction as soon as I saw him in front of me I cried more
"Man...Manik" I shouted while he looked at me
"Nandini" he ran towards me and hugged me tightly "thank God I found you"
He broken the hug wiping my tears
"You are okay right? You are fine?" He asked wiping my face
"I thought I..." I was short of words
He kissed my forehead for a long time and again hugged me.
"It's over you are save now, let's go home" He said while I nodded
He picked me up in his arms while I kept my head on his shoulder relaxing a bit
After of I don't know How many minutes we reached home and to my surprise no one was around
"Where's everyone?"
"They weren't home they went out to do some shopping and still aren't back"
He made me sit on couch
"You didn't went?"
"No I thought you are sleeping in your room and I didn't wanted to leave you alone" he said
"I thought today is my last day" I said
He given me the glass of water while I drank all in a go
"You fine right?" He asked and I nodded
"I was just scared"
"But now you shouldn't be as I am here" he said and I smiled "You must be hungry come let me make you eat something" he said while we left towards the kitchen
He took out some fruits from fridge and hand overed me
"Eat them until I am heating the food" he said while I nodded
I sat on the nearby table while eating some strawberries
He came near me taking one strawberry in his hand
"I guess this was for me?" I said
"Yeah these are for you"
"Then why you are eating?"
"Because I want to is there any problem?" He asked raising his brow
"Yes there is"
"I am not allowing you to eat"
"Ha ha ha very funny joke it is"
"No it isn't"
"Ok I will not take more but..." He came near me "in your dreams" taking one more he ran from there
"Manik!!" I ran behind him but he was faster then me
"Catch me if you can"
"I will catch you and then you are dead" I shouted
"Oh my god I am so scared of you"
"If you are not then stop right there"
"I am not but still I won't stop if you are strong then catch me" he said fueling the anger
"Ok then wait for me to catch you"
"I am waiting"
I ran behind him but failed no doubt he is so fast
"Ok fine I gave up" I said sitting on the couch
"Finally... Oh my little accept it you can't win from me" he said sitting besides me
I smirked and held his both arms
"Now where will you go?" I asked almost sitting on him
"This is cheating Miss Nandini"
"Oh really? How will you proof?"
"I don't have to proof because I know"
"Whatever I caught you and that's more important"
"With cheating"
I got a sudden current in between my thighs and it was when I realized where I am sitting I am literally sitting on his lap
I looked at him and he was already looking at me, fuck the intensity in his eyes will drown me away one day
"What you think you are doing?" He asked
"It wasn't intentionally" I said and was getting up but he stopped me
I closed my eyes as again Our parts collided with each other
"You have done so wrong My little" he said in my ear nuzzling his nose
"Stop Please"
"I haven't started anything yet"
He made me lay down hovering over me while I entwined my legs around his waist
"Look at your actions my little, do you want us ruin our beautiful relation?" He asked in his most seductive tone
Please someone tell him to shut up or else I won't be able to stop us
"We should stop" I somehow managed to speak these words
"You sure?"
"Yeah I am"
"As you say" he said
But instead of stopping he starts chewing my lips as like its a bubble gum
This man is my death for sure
I tried to match his speed but failed, his hands were roaming all over my body as like he owns my body
Breaking the kiss he attacked on my neck. I arched my neck more and more to give him more access
I listened Abhi's voice!
"Manik they are here leave me"
"I don't want to"
"Are you mad or what leave me you idiot" I pushed him back
"What the hell?" We turned around to see Mukti

Forbidden Love (Complete✔️)
FantasyLet's Find out what is the relationship between Manik And Nandini and why is it forbidden?