Nandini's pov
The day past quite busy as I called some different places for a job interview, yeah I thought of doing a job as sitting home and getting bored is not my cup of tea so yeah. There are two places where I have to go tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
Let's hope for the best.
I went to dad's room and talked to him for a while after that came back to my room to have a sleep.
The next day I given the interview and it went good but I'm not satisfied with office and staff there so yeah I dropped the plan of working there
I haven't tell my friends about this because I know them very well so I will tell them after getting the job
The morning passed in a blink and the evening went with friends having some chit chats. Right now I am sitting on dinning table having my food
That witch is home today so obviously everyone is scared of talking much expect of work even Natasha.
And here comes the witch! Someone said the truth talking about a devil and devil arrives.
She rolled her eyes on me so I! After her Manik as well came he passed a smile to me while I did the same.
"Natasha where is my food?" She shouted
"Mom relax she must be preparing" Manik said
"Coming mam" She came running and served her first then Manik "Anything else mam?" She asked
"Better prepare something different for me then her from tomorrow" Nyonika said
"Sure Mam"
I looked at her than at Manik, I am sure she is not her mother I mean they both are so different or maybe they are same its just me who think they are not
"Oh Manik look at you" She said all of a sudden
"What happened mom?"
"Nothing serious... I was thinking how old you have grew I mean Its so long I haven't feed you through my hands" She said and smiled towards Manik
"Mom? Are you alright?" He asked
"Off course my son come I will feed you today with my hands" she made a bite with a spoon and feed him
I know she is doing this to make me feel sad but trust me it was affecting me I know I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help
I moved a plate on a side and drink a sip of water.
"Awe poor Girl! I am so sorry because I forgotten you have no one to feed you like this" she said
"Mom please!" Manik looked towards me
I faked a smile to act strong
"You think this will effect me? Not at all Mrs. Malhotra you guys enjoy, bon appetite" saying so I left to my room
I closed the door and sat on bed with the photo frame of my mom. No I am not crying but it hurts
Why these things happen to me always? Why I am so alone to get love? Why I can't be loved the way I want?
The door was knocked
"Leave me alone Natasha or else your boss will fire you" I shouted
The door get opened to reveal Manik. I turned back
"Angry on my mom?" He asked closing the door
"Why will I be?"
"Because I am also angry on her" he said sitting besides me
"I am not angry on her she was doing what a mom do so there is nothing to get angry" I said still looking away
He forward a plate infront of me! It was Alfredo Pasta. I looked at him
"Someone told me you like this" he said
"Yeah I do but only when Kartik make" I said
"Uhm... But Kartik is not here and Natasha really worked hard on it"
"So what I am not interested"
"Oh come on Nandini stop acting like a kid"
"Shut up ok I am not a kid"
"Then eat" he made a bite and put in front of my mouth
I looked at him.
"So what if your mom isn't here to feed you a friend can right?" He said while a smile appeared on my face
I took a bite and trust me it wasn't bad but Kartik's pasta is Kartik's no one can match his taste
He feed me the whole pasta and we talked for a while.
"You know I thought you are like your mom but now my thinking is changing"
"Sure you should change, btw my mom is not that bad she is just possessive for her family and don't want anyone to interfere so yeah" he said and I smiled keeping the 'in your dreams' sentence inside me
"I think I should sleep now as I am tired" I said and laid on my place
"I should leave then see ya" saying so he was leaving but I held his hand
"Sit with me for a bit. I am still feeling lonely I hope you won't mind" I said and he nodded
"Sure I won't" he said besides me
He starts patting my hairs. I covered myself with a duvet properly and closed my eyes. Should I keep my head on him? What if he won't like?
Keeping away my thoughts I kept my head on his chest as he laid a bit.
"Nandini?" He called
"Don't you think you should sleep on pillow instead of me?" He asked
"Just for sometime when I will sleep you can put me back" I said and closed my eyes back
I was actually feeling good besides him. I don't know why?
"And here I cam-" I opened my eyes to see Kartik
"Hey Kartik What a pleasant surprise" I asked getting up
"I think I should leave now see you Nandini" Manik said and left before I could say anything
"Kartik?" I called him again getting no response from him
"Yeah Sorry what were you saying?"
"I said what a pleasant surprise?"
"Yeah I was actually passing by so thought to meet you"
"Great I needed you actually"
"Really but it wasn't looking like"
"What you mean?"
"Nothing btw why you needed me?"
"I am a bit upset"
"What happened tell me"
I told him everything about today and he hugged me
"Aww my little princess you have us with you right? I know we can't fulfill your mother's place but we can at least try and I will try my best to be with you forever and ever" he said and I smiled
"I know and that is why I always share my feelings with you first" I said
The door knocked while We both looked towards the direction
Enough for now I guess I am tired of writing 🤧
Alina ❤

Forbidden Love (Complete✔️)
خيال (فانتازيا)Let's Find out what is the relationship between Manik And Nandini and why is it forbidden?