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Although I needed to talk to her... Jô disappeared!

I did many interviews to publicize After's 4th movie, the public still didn't know that there would be another movie, the last one... Jô unfortunately wasn't with me again... Castille had told me that Jô had a busy schedule... With other projects... I couldn't do anything, after all, when I had a busy schedule, Jô took care of everything by herself...

I believe she was still giving interviews, taking pictures to promote Gigi and Nate, her other movie. After our video call we didn't speak. I was waiting for Jô in Portugal but she didn't go either... That wasn't the surprise she promised me. So... What would it be?

Weeks passed and finally the day of the premiere of the After 4 arrived. Everyone thinking it would be the last... I'm sorry to tell you fans, but... You were deceived! Just like us!

I went to Spain with Morgan, After's production had called me to promote the movie in the movie theater, and they even let me bring a friend!

Morgan was the first M-Boy who answered me, so I took him with me, and he had never experienced anything like this before.

I couldn't be happier! We already did this once to publicize the first After movie and it was soooo good! I couldn't contain my anxiety!


I'm a vlogger! And like any good vlogger I will make many videos of everything!
As soon as Hero invited me to go to Spain with him, I didn't even know how to breathe! I packed my bags and we went to the airport with his agent.

I never flew there, at the airport we stayed in rooms reserved for the "H", my friend is famous YES! He was very chic!

We got on the plane together, I recorded everything I could. I kept saying, "Life's changed!"And it really changes! Mainly after Hero became known in his acting career, I always knew that the guy would be a genius of fame!

When we finally arrived in Spain, a van picked us up, directly on the plane, took us to a top hotel, to rest after the trip, we ate a lot of things and drank a lot!

The next day we went to the movie theater. I knew I was going to hear desperate screams from girls in love with my friend, at least all day...


At the movie theater, I could see the sadness of some fans for missing Jô, I couldn't contain myself and shouted:

"Let's make some noise for Jô!"

And the whole room in the theater screaming her name made my heart warm.

Also, as it was the premiere of the 4th movie and finally the audience would find out the whole truth about the 5th movie, we already decided to break the big news, so I shouted into the microphone:

"Is this the end? Is this the last movie? I'm confused because, these days I was in Portugal... Full of tattoos on my arms, dressed in black... I was reading a script with some lines by Hardin... So for the first time I'm here to tell you... It was hard to keep this secret but... We will have another After movie!!"

And the cinema went crazy again.

I signed some autographs, took a lot of pictures, talked to some websites and YouTube channels... Morgs accompanied me on some interviews I had scheduled, and I never had so much fun! Even though I was alone, having my friend there helped me a lot to carry everything without... She...

I was finally returning home, exhausted, but never feeling better, with my duty done. Again I find my house full of posters, candles, flowers... This is very strange! How did they find out my mother's address! And why leave it all here? This had never happened before!

I hug my mom and see that again she had no idea who could be sending these things.

I go up to my room, I needed to rest, unpack... When I get a message from... Redhead:

"Hi handsome, look at your window..."

It's not possible, how does she know where I live? What's going on with these people? Did my mother's address leak? Because if so, we'll have to say goodbye to the house I've lived in since my childhood!

Really, it was Amanda, at my window, asking gently with a smile and waving for me to let her upstairs, but I didn't want her to go upstairs to my mother's house... I didn't even know her well enough for that to happen!

I go downstairs, tell my mother I'm coming back and close the door quickly. I bump into the hottest redhead I've ever seen. It's crazy, she was wearing shorts that were almost panties, a top that showed her whole belly, in addition to showing her big breasts... She wore headphones, and sweated a little, it looked like she was running, but I found it very strange the fact that she knows where I live.

"Amanda! How did you know my address?"

"Hi Hero, I've missed you too, it's been a while... You didn't call me back after we made out in that bar... You made me... Want more..."

She approached me while talking, I needed to control myself... Amanda was very different, she wasn't so... She held back more to say things... Maybe after being in that bar, she's more relaxed to say that...

Now, I have to control myself not to pick her up and carry her into the house, completely ignoring the fact that my mother is there.

"Did you forget about me baby? Don't you want to repeat that night, or rather finish what we were doing that night?"


She comes closer again and speaks in my ear. Damn Hero, be strong! Be strong!

"I will let you come inside me..."

If I wasn't hard, then I certainly am now. I still hadn't said anything to her, I just stared at her and took a deep breath as she approached, touching her fingers in me.

Before I could say anything, I feel her tongue on my neck... She was kissing my neck in the middle of the street! I still didn't move, but I started to feel something vibrate in my pants pocket and it wasn't my dick.

"Wait... Amanda..."

I try very hard to push Amanda away from me.

"What's going on? Oh no! The phone again, Hero!"

I pull out my phone, manage to read the screen quickly, and see her name. My heart jumped out of my mouth. Before answering, I put my finger to my lip, trying to tell Amanda to be quiet so I can answer.

She understands, and I finally pick up before the call ends.


"Hero? Finally! What took you so long? Is everything okay?"

"Good and you?" Still breathing fast, Amanda gave me a naughty look and approached my neck again. Without Jô noticing I tried to push her away again, and I walked further away from her.

"All good!"

"Really? What's that noise? Are you training?"

I push Amanda away from my neck again. She's ruining my happiness in talking to Jô. Which is almost a miracle, especially when she calls me.


"Come on Hero, let me go upstairs with you! I'll let you cum inside m..."

I covered Amanda's mouth, hoping that Jô didn't hear what she said.


Too late. She listened...

Jô hangs up the phone. I just look at Amanda, swallowing all the anger I was feeling at the moment, and say seriously:

"Amanda, you're beautiful, hot, and you know it. You treat me well, we get along very well... But... I don't like it when some people come to my window without me even knowing it... By the way, how did you know this is my house?"

"Felix told me!"

I'm going to kill that white boy!

"Okay, this is my mother's house... I don't like people coming here... So wait until I invite you, okay..." She nods and walks closer again, but I stop her. "Today is not going to happen, I need to call someone very important to me and..."

"More important than..." She runs her hand over her body.

"Go home, and don't come back here until I ask you to, okay?" I give her a quick kiss on the cheek, go back inside the house, without looking back, and hurriedly call Jô.

Nothing. I call again. And again... Finally she answers!



"What? You were the one who called me first!"

"Yeah! And I am an idiot, I know..."

"Jô, that's not what you heard!"

"I know very well what I heard Hero, I'm not 16 years old! I'm really mad at you right now, know that! Oh, I'm such an idiot!"

"Wait! Idiot why? I heard you with a guy days ago too!"

"I know Hero, that's not why I'm an idiot..."

I hear an echo, like someone announcing a flight... Like an airport... Is she...

"Wait. Jô, where are you?" Silence. "Are you at an airport? Wait! Are you in London?"

I knew I would see her soon because we have After promotions to do... But I was already getting ready to see her via video call... Like in several other interviews we gave...

"I am! I was going to surprise you... I don't know, ask you to pick me up here at the airport, take me to see your house, your mother... But don't worry, I'm going to a hotel right now, with my agent!"

"Jô wait please!!!"

"Why? To hearing a girl say that you can cum inside her? I'm out! See you in the interviews..."

"Jô, I don't want her!!! I want you!!! Let me pick you up please!!"

I didn't even wait for her to say yes, I already had my keys and was driving towards the London airport. I tried to hold her as much as possible during the call, hoping she would wait for me to arrive...

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