Dear readers,

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Hello, hello! Thank you for reading this story once again!

There are some things I'd like to announce!

Firstly, I wrote this story when I was 13. To put this bluntly, the writing in this story is horrific to look at but it has also stuck with me in my mind for three years now. Every now and then I think of rewriting it and I thought that maybe now is the time. 

I am not in the fandom anymore and I barely remember half of what happens in the anime but I'm enjoying this trip down memory lane and I'm challenging myself to finish rewriting the story.

I'm going to leave this version up, for the sake of nostalgia and also it's actually hilarious to read now. But the new version will be up in a bit and the first chapter also will be out shortly. 

The newest version will focus more on the characters inner problems and issues and just a heads up, I'm a sucker for angst (with or without comfort, you'll never know hehe) so do with this info what you will. 

So if you want a more detailed, not-as-cringe story about these two, I suggest you check it out!

Thank you and have a good one! :3

That Fucker! (Shin Soukoku)Where stories live. Discover now