Don't Get Your Hopes Up

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(a/n) Hey people! I still suck at writing and making a good plot but here, have this chapter🙈 Btw I'm writing this instead of doing my assignments so I'm kinda hoping that I somehow will finish 7th grade lmfao. Anyways on with the story.

After finding the keys and his encounter with one of the twins, Atsushi went back up to Akutagawa's apartment and dragged Akutagawa inside. He took off his and Akutagawa's shoes and laid Akutagawa down on the couch.

As he started walking away Akutagawa grabbed him by his wrist. "Answer a question for me." He said looking at Atsushi. His head was still a bit dizzy and he felt like he's gonna fall asleep any minute now. Atsushi sighed and sat down on the chair next to the couch.

"You told me you thought that I could change or whatever... what did you mean by that?" He asked as he laid his hand on his forehead. Atsushi looked down at the floor and took his time to think of an answer.

"Hmmm...well I think that there is good in everyone. Even though I hate you, I am aware that you can be good sometimes. You haven't killed anyone in three months, how does that feel?" He asked Akutagawa and Akutagawa scoffed "You are acting even more idiotic than before."

"Hey! I didn't do anything wrong before!" Atsushi frowned and continued "You're trying to act all tough right now like you don't care, but I think that you are lost. You're still trying to impress Dazai and trying to prove how strong you are by killing people. Dazai got a second chance and so did Kyouka. Both of them saw the light and I think you just haven't seen it yet. The light." Akutagawa looked at Atsushi with a surprised look on his face and just kept silent.

"Alright, you do whatever, I'm gonna get some sleep," Atsushi said as calm as he could but the words that the twin said were echoing through his head and he was freaking out. As soon as he closed the door of the room he was staying in, he started freaking out.

"What the hell does that mean? Do I call Dazai to tell him about what happened? Should I wait until the morning? It's kinda late. Do I leave out the thing she said about people who are meant to be? Is this important? Shit, of course, it is!" And before he knew he was calling Dazai.

Atsushi told everything that happened, leaving out...some details at first.

"Atsushi, is there something else you'd like to tell me?" Dazai asked in a sneaky tone and Atsushi gave up. This could be a very important detail so he told Dazai that the twin can only connect people who are supposedly "meant to be" or whatever.

Atsushi tried to ignore the fact that Dazai was now laughing and making fun of him and after a while of silence Dazai finally spoke. "Listen, don't come to work tomorrow. I have a feeling that they can only attack you if they see you. Also, you and Akutagawa will need to move somewhere for a while. Since one of them now knows where you live, it's not safe. I'll find a quiet place for you two but I can't do it instantly. I'll need to make sure everything is clear so just wait a few days ok?" And with that Atsushi and Dazai said goodnight to each other.

Atsushi couldn't sleep at all. It was already 4 am and he just couldn't rest his mind and he started to get thirsty. As quietly as possible he opened the door and tiptoed to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water and when he started heading back he heard snoring.

"I guess Akutagawa didn't make it to his room. He did look tired." Atsushi thought and decided to go to the couch and take a peek. He couldn't help but blush when he saw a sleeping Akutagwa with his hair all messy and tangled. "He looks so peaceful when he sleeps...kinda cute." Atsushi thought and quickly realized what he said. "What? No. No, Akutagawa... cute? Pffftt no way." He was about to head back to his room and then he saw Akutagawa shiver.

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