I Want To Bury Myself

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(A/n) I just watched no. 6 and I am obsessed with Nezumi. He's such a precious boi :'). I recommend watching No. 6 cuz it's an amazing anime. Also thanks for reading and voting for this fanfic. Literally didn't think it would get noticed at all but thank you! Anyways on with the next chapter.

After waking up Akutagawa and packing his stuff, Atsushi left Akutagawa's apartment. When they got outside they saw Kunikida choking and screaming at Dazai inside a car that had been parked in front of the building.

Atsushi frowned and sighed "They're the same as always." He looked at Akutagawa who was still sleepy. "My heart is gonna die here, he looks so sleepy and cute, holy mother of god-" Atsushi thought to himself and they both got in the car.

"Goodmorning Atsushi! And Akutagawa of course," Dazai smiled at Akutagawa from the review mirror (Akutagawa would've probably fainted if he wouldn't be so sleepy). "Anyways, we found a house in a quiet neighborhood and set up high security so you two should be just fine~" Dazai let out a giggle and looked at Kunikida who just kept a straight face the whole time.

"Uhm, thank you guys I really appreciate everything you have done for me but I feel like you are hiding something from me..." Atsushi said as he looked out of the window. Dazai kept silent and then burst into laughter and quickly was silenced by Kunikida.

"Well, I know that I'm not hiding anything but Dazai has been acting weird lately." He eyed Dazai still trying to pay attention to the road. "I'm just worried about Atsushi, Kunikida. That's all it is." Dazai whined like a little child and after that they just kept silent.

They drove for 30 more minutes and they were now in an area surrounded by woods. "So, Dazai, when you said a quiet neighborhood, how quiet did you mean?" Atsushi looked at Dazai and pointed at the trees outside.

"Well, it's more like there are no neighbors here, except the cabin owner that lives a bit further from where you'll be staying." Dazai relaxed in his seat and closed his eyes. Akutagawa was sleeping in the back too. Since Atsushi sat one seat away from Akutagawa, he didn't have anything to lay on so he was awkwardly tilted towards the empty seat.

Dazai quickly noticed it and picked up a bag from the floor of the car. "Atsushi, could you please move to the middle seat?" He asked lifting the bag, signaling Atsushi to move. "What? Why can't you put it on the middle seat? And why so suddenly?" Atsushi asked not wanting to get too close too Akutagawa.

"Atsushi-kun, I'm not sure what has happened to you but it seems like you're doubting me more and more these days?" Dazai made a dramatic sad face and Atsushi jumped in his seat a bit. "No! Of course not! But I just don't get why I need to move-" Atsushi got interrupted by a bag being thrown at him. "Great! Then move your seat!" Dazai smiled and sat back in his seat.

Atsushi moved and lifted Akutagawa's head so it wouldn't be on his shoulder but it didn't work so now Atsushi was stuck with a sleeping Akutagawa pressed against him. Dazai saw everything in the review mirror and just smiled.

"Akutagawa seems different again. He would never do anything like this around the agency members. Maybe he's really trying to change? Or maybe he's just really tired." Atsushi looked at Akutagawa, trying not to make sudden movements so he wouldn't wake him up and when he saw Akutagawas face he blushed.

And so 15 more minutes passed and they finally stopped. They arrived at a cabin that was basically in the middle of the woods. "Wow, a great place to be murdered in!" Atsushi said as he tried to gently wake up Akutagawa. "Don't worry Atsushi, the only one who could murder you here is Akutagawa but that's suicide for him so don't worry- wait...suicide! Maybe I should look for the twins and ask them to connect me to someone so we can commit double suicide! Don't you think that's a good plan Kunikida?"

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