Not Like I Care

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(A/N) Ya'll istg this is random but I fr don't get if Atsushi sleeps in a closet or something so I'll just call it a closet cuz idfk.

Cold. Atsushi shivers under his blanket. "Why is it so goddamn cold?" He thinks to himself. Trying to save his sleepiness and trying to remember the dream he had Atsushi lays in his bed with closed eyes and tries to fall back to sleep. "It's too cold!"

He finally opens his eyes and opens up the door of the closet he was sleeping in and peaked his head out. It was only 4 am and the window was closed, Kyouka was sleeping as always but it was really cold. Suddenly it felt like someone had hit Atsushi in the head and he couldn't breathe. All the bad memories from the orphanage started coming back at him at once.

"No, no, no" He could practically feel the pain of the burns all over again, he could feel the pain of the horrible words that were thrown at him. They felt like knives were cutting him up from the inside and needles were being poked into his skin all at once. He gasped for air as he tried to not think about it but it wouldn't stop. He couldn't scream either, something was holding him back and he didn't know what was happening.

He crawled out of his closet and slowly crawled over to Kyoukas bed trying to reach her but now his breathing was completely cut off and the pain of the words and the torturing felt so real he thought it was all happening again. Just before he could reach Kyouka he collapsed on the floor trying hard to gasp for air but he couldn't.

The Sun that shone through the apartment's window touched Kyouka's face and her phone's alarm finally rang filling the room with the alarm tone. It was truly annoying and she completely hated it but at least it would get her up and out of her bed.

She turned to the left where her phone was and turned off the alarm. Slowly adjusting to the sun she sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes. It was time to wake up Atsushi. He always slept past the alarm. He was a tight sleeper and he couldn't hear a thing while sleeping.

But when Kyouka turned to her right getting up from her bed wanting to walk to the closet, she saw Atsushi laying on the floor face down. She widened her eyes and quickly turned him over on his back and quickly put her ear to his mouth. She only heard a faint exhale that was so quiet and short she wasn't sure that it even happened so she pressed her ear against Atsushi's heart and two of her fingers on his wrist looking for a pulse. "He's still alive! But barley breathing!" She whispered and grabbed her phone as fast as possible.

She quickly typed in Dazais's phone number and called him. "Hello, Kyouka dear, what is it that you're calling me for on this very nice and beautiful morning?" Dazai said with his usual happy tone. "I think Atsushi is dying," Kyouka said with the same old serious tone that almost made her sound like a robot. Dazai's tone visibly changed to a serious one and all he said before hanging up was "I'll be there soon."

Kyouka got into her dress and checked Atsushi's pulse again. It had remained so faint and weak that Kyouka was starting to get worried. She heard three loud knocks at the door and rushed to open it. She saw Kunikida and Dazai standing outside and quickly let them in.

"He was just laying there when I woke up and when I checked his pulse it's so weak and faint I couldn't even tell if he was alive or not!" She quickly explained everything to them as Dazai checked Atsushis pulse himself while Kunikida was looking for something or someone around the apartment.

"We need to take him to Yosano right now!" Dazai said as he picked him up and carried Atsushi to the car. Kyouka got in the backseat sitting next to Atsushi.

When they got to the agency it took some time but after a while of Yosanos healing Atsushi's pulse was back to normal and he seemed to be breathing just fine.

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