Meant To Be

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(A/N) Oh god, hello. I'm sorry that this is short. Also, I haven't read the manga so this whole thing happens after season 3 and is not associated with anything that happens in the manga. Thank you, and enjoy!

It had been three days since Atsushi had talked to Akutagawa and of course, he told everything to the agency. Dazai immediately disagreed with Autagawas opinion about them killing all the ability users for fun. He said it was something else that they wanted and that they will not kill them unless completely necessary.

At first, Kunikida wanted to find them and investigate them but Dazai disagreed. It seemed like he knew about the Twins and Kunikida surprisingly went with him and everyone decided to wait.

And then it happened. It was lunch break and Atsushi was heading to the cafe with Dazai and when they were there Dazai got serious. They both ordered coffee and sat down. "So Atsushi, Akutagawa already agreed on this and now we need you to agree," Dazai said stirring his coffee with a spoon and adding some sugar to it "Agreed to what?" Atsushi asked.


"Absolutely NOT!" Atsushi started getting furious and annoyed and he felt like Dazai was joking. "You want ME... to stay in an apartment with Akutagawa? We can't even be in a room together what do you even mean?" He was now standing up with his hands on the table looking at Dazai in shock.

"Now, now, Atsushi-kun, you need to calm down. It's the best decision for now. I would personally like you two to stay close so I can guarantee your safety. See, if Akutagawa is close to you, you two can keep an eye on each other and neither of you will get hurt!" Dazai smiled as Atsushi sat down and just looked at him with an expression that clearly said 'i'm gonna murder you'

"So Akutagawa agreed? How did you even speak to him?" Atsushi had so many questions and he still wasn't ok with the fact that he would have to share an apartment with Akutagawa. Yes, he knew he was in danger since they were connected but this- this was too far.

"I called him asking him about the twins and asked him if he was fine with that. Almost sounded as he was about to puke actually! But at the end of the day, it's settled," Atsushi' still wasn't having it "I do not want to stay or be anywhere near him!" He shouted and Dazai just looked at him finishing his coffee. They sat in silence for five minutes.

"Fine. But only because I trust you." He finally calmed down and sat back in his seat.

"Ok, then! You do need to pack your stuff cuz we are doing this as soon as possible since we still don't know what the twins want from you both and what their next move is going to be. One thing is for sure... they aren't alone. There are more than two people involved in this and one of them seems to have the ability to 'fog up' your mind or something. If that wasn't true we wouldn't be having this conversation because I'm sure that Ranpo would've figured it out already. And we're also pretty sure that there are more victims too so we need to figure it out." Dazai said getting up and then he stopped his hand on Atsushi's shoulder "Maybe you could even become friends with Akutagawa" And with that, he left the cafe.

After that Atsushi went home and packed his stuff. It seems like Dazai had already warned Kyouka about this because she wasn't surprised at all when Atsushi told her about it. "Ok I'm done packing but... where do I even have to go?" He asked himself just standing in the middle of his room and just as he opened his flip phone it started ringing.

"Uh- Hello? Who is this?" Atsushi panicked as he picked it up and then he frowned when he heard the answer. "Did you finish packing?" Akutagawa said with no emotion in his voice "Oh, it's you." Atsushi frowned and looked out his window "Yes I finished packing, why are you asking?" And then he heard a knock on the door.

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