That Fucker!

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HI PEOPLE I'M NOT DEAD! aha ha... so I'm really sorry for being gone for so long like I don't even know how much time has passed but I have to admit that I actually gave up on this story mostly because I can't write fight scenes and everything I wrote I just scrapped. But the fact that this is unfinished has been bothering me so I decided to write an ending explaining everything. Because I can't write fight scenes this will be super rushed or some of you might not be happy with how things end so I'm really sorry. Thank you for reading This story and again, I'm really sorry.

Atsushi tried to call Dazai right away but there was no answer. He tried to call everyone else from the agency but no one would respond. He started getting a really bad feeling about the whole situation and he knew he needed to get to Akutagwas apartment as soon as possible.

Atsushi grabbed Akutagawa by his hand and headed to the house that the cabin owner was living in. "What are you doing?" Akutagawa stopped and Atsushi turned back to face him. "Something is wrong. I knew something bad would happen yet all I did was sit here and do nothing. I think everyone is in danger so I'm going back to Yokohama and I need your help. I won't be able to do it on my own."

"Okay, but what are we doing here?" Akutagawa asked as he pointed at the small house that they were standing in front of. "Well... we don't exactly have a car..."


After a few minutes of convincing the cabin owner that his car will be returned safely and asking for directions, they were on their way back to Yokohama.

(Week before Atsushi and Akutagawa got "connected")

Dazai was sitting in the cafe as always, drinking coffee and there he came up with either the best or the worst idea he has ever had. He went straight to Fukuzawas office and there the crazy plan of making Akutagawa a part of the ADA was born. Of course, at first, Fukuzawa strongly disagreed but after hearing Dazai's plan he agreed to try.

"There are these twins that I know. Their names are Amaya and Ayame. They own a little cafe and they're both ability users and fortunately for us, they owe me a favor." Dazai smirked.

He went to the cafe to meet up with them and after explaining the plan to them, they agreed to help. 

"The plan is really easy!" Dazai pulled out a folded paper from his pocket, unfolded it, and showed it to the twins.

1. You both use your ability to connect Atsushi and Akutagawa.

2. You both convince them that they are in love.

3. We move them to a private space

4. We wait.

5. We celebrate :)

"Uhm, Dazai, how exactly are we supposed to convince them that they are in love?" Amaya looks at her sister confused and then they both look at Dazai. "Well they already have feelings for each other, they just haven't realized it," Dazai let's out a small laugh, "Just make something up. For example, you can only connect people who are 'meant to be' or something. Just give them a little push." He smiles.

"Okay, another question. What exactly does the 5th step mean?" Dazai looks at the paper and smiles again. "It means what it says. After they realize their feelings, we'll leave them an invitation to a party. Fukuzawa was planning on testing Akutagawa at first but I think he has already proved how strong he and Atsushi can be, so we'll just celebrate!"

"Alright. We'll do it, but watch out for both of them. The connecting part will hurt." Amaya warned and with that, it was settled. 

(Back in present time.)

Akutagawa and Atsushi arrived at Akutagawas apartment. Nothing seemed out of place. There were people and cars everywhere and everything seemed fine. They looked at each other for a moment and then headed up the stairs. Akutagawa unlocked the door and before they opened it they both got ready to fight. 

"Three, two," Atsushi counted, getting ready to attack anyone who was inside, "One!" He shouts and Akutagawa opens the door. They both run inside, looking around worried but when they see that nothing is wrong, they relax a bit. "Where are they?" Akutagawa looks in all rooms while Atsushi stays in the living room, waiting for something to happen.

Then Atsushi notices a big bouquet of roses on the table, a wine bottle, and an envelope. He walks up to the kitchen table and picks up the envelope. Akutagawa walks up to Atsushi from behind and slowly watches as Atsushi opens up the envelope and pulls out the paper inside. 

"Dear, Atsushi and Akutagawa, I'm sorry (not really) about all that has happened this past week but now you both can rest. Make sure you come to the Agency tomorrow, there are some people, I'd like for you to meet, and some things we need to talk about.

- Osamu Dazai"

By the time they both finish reading the text, Atsushi's phone rings. It's Dazai. Atsushi picks up the phone and is immediately greeted "Hello Atsushi-kun!" Atsushi can hear Dazai smiling behind the phone and he can also hear an angry Kunikida shouting something at Dazai. "Hello," Atsushi says while frowning. "By now you probably understand the situation," Dazai laughs, "I'm glad both of you are okay, don't worry about the twins! I'll explain everything tomorrow, now enjoy the evening." And before Atsushi can say something Dazai hung up.

"That fucker!" Akutagawa takes the paper from Atsushi's hand, reading it again. "He tricked us." He scoffs and sits down. "What do we do now?" Atsushi asks and Akutagawa looks at him. He slowly gets up and puts the paper down on the table. "You know, maybe it was good that he tricked us." He takes Atsushi's hand and comes closer to him. Atsushi's cheeks turn red and his eyes try to avoid Akutagawa's gaze.

"Look at me, Atsushi," Akutagawa says not moving one bit. Atsushi's eyes meet Akutagawa's and Akutagawa start's bringing his face closer to Atsushi's. Atsushi finally calms down and expecting a kiss, closes his eyes. He waits. But nothing happens. He opens his eyes and Akutagwa is almost touching his lip's but instead of a kiss, Akutagawa smirks. "Do you want to eat?" 

Visibly embarrassed Atsushi let's go of Akutagawa's hand and nods. Akutagawa let out a laugh and without a warning, his lips collide with Atsushi's and they both melt into the kiss.

That evening Akutagawa made dinner and they once again ended up talking about random stuff. It was still fun. When you're with someone you love, even random conversations can seem exciting. 

"After tonight, nothing will be the same. I don't know what will happen but I know that I'll have you by my side and that is already enough." Akutagawa said as they both sat on the couch. "Yeah, I'll be by your side no matter what." Atsushi took Akutagawa's hand and smiled. 

"Thank you." Akutagawa pulled Atsushi closer to him and held him just to make sure he is real. "I love you." They both said at the same time. Looking at each other they laughed and their lips connected once again. They were both finally happy.


I'm sorry I didn't update at all. It's summer for me and I really didn't know how to finish the story. It might seem rushed but I felt really bad for just leaving it unfinished so here. I hope everyone is okay and safe. Whoever has school right now, I hope you're doing well and remember your health is more important than grades! And if it's summer for you I hope you're enjoying your summer! :) 

Thank you for reading and voting for "That Fucker!" 


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