I Guess I Hate You

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It was another regular day at the Armed Detective Agency, no complicated murder cases, no need to stop a bomb from blowing everything up or saving Yokohama. Just regular paperwork and chatting. Atsushi had his head layed down on his desk and he looked out of the window hoping that the day would end soon and he could finally go home and rest.

It had been 3 months since Akutagawa swore that he would kill Atsushi and so far it seemed that Akutugawa had kept his word and hadn't killed anyone but that didn't stop other Port Mafia members from murdering people. Atsushi's eyes started to slowly close but then he looked at the time and realized he can go home. 

"Kyouka, let's go!" Atsushi said while packing his stuff and somewhat cleaning up his desk. He got up and said goodbye to everyone that was still working or just sitting around and talking. As he and Kyouka made their way to their shared apartment Atsushi remembered that they didn't have that much food left at home so he told Kyouka to just head home and he'll buy some food.

He walked to a local store and entered it slowly going over all the things that he needs to buy and looking in his wallet counting how much money he had left. "Okay so I can buy all that we would need for a week and I'm getting paid next week so I think we can manage that." He said to himself while still looking in his wallet and suddenly he gasped as he bumped into someone.

"S-Sorry," He said slowly looking up and when the person turned around his eyes widened in surprise. It was Akutugawa but he was wearing a black coat and black sunglasses were covering his eyes. He looked shady as fuck that's for sure. 'You!?" They both said at the same time and you could hear the hate in their voices as they stared at each other for a moment and then Atsushi looked at the shopping basket that Akutugawa was carrying.

"Someone defiantly likes sweets," He said teasingly looking at the chocolate in his shopping basket smirking in a way to mock Akutagawa. "Don't you dare laugh at me weretiger! I'll kill you!" Akutagawa said freaking out a bit because he wasn't used to being seen outside his work and especially by Atsushi.

"Oh, I thought you were gonna do that in three months though" Atsushi kept playing around with Akutagawa and Akutagawa was not having it. He simply turned around and continued to search for the things on his list.

"All right I should buy food too." Atsushi thought to himself. As he went to get everything he had planned to get, he couldn't stop himself from occasionally looking at Akutagawa. He didn't know why but he just couldn't get used to this calm version of him. He was very nice to others but he didn't speak much. There was a girl that couldn't reach something that was placed at one of the highest shelves and Akutugawa got it for her completely voluntary. That was not something Atsushi could even imagine him doing.

When Atsushi got everything he needed he went to pay for it. As he started walking home, Atsushi heard loud footsteps approaching from behind and suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see who it was and he was a bit surprised when he saw Akutagawa.

"Here, you forgot this weretiger." He said in his usual cold tone looking in the distance ignoring eye contact with Atsushi, handing him the change that he had forgotten. "Oh, thank you I guess?" Atsushi took the money and looked away also ignoring eye contact with Akutagawa. "Just- You never saw me! Got it!?" Akutagawa said looking back at Atsushi with an annoyed look on his face when he turned away and went where ever he had planned to go next. 

Atsushi kept walking till he got to his apartment. All the way there and after he went inside he couldn't stop thinking about how differently Akutagawa acted when he wasn't working. He was so...nice? No. How could he say something like that about Akutagawa!  The bastard tried to kill him several times and swore that he will kill him! How could he ever say that! 

"Kyouka I'm home" Atsushi shouted as he opened the door. "You took really long, did something go wrong?" she asked stepping into the corridor and taking the beg from Atsushi. "No, everything was fine, except I did run into Akutugawa." Kyouka quickly turned around taking her knife in her hand and a serious voice said: "I can kill him right now if you need, did he follow you or try to kill you?" Atsushi just looked at her with a concerned expression. They had been living together for a while now but Atsushi would never get used to the way Kyouka was ready to kill anyone for him. To Atsushi, Kyouka was like a little sister and he really appreciated her but she sometimes really concerned him. 

"No he didn't follow me, it's fine!" He said with a nervous tone and Kyouka put down the knife and finished unpacking everything from the bag. "He was really calm and even gave me the change I forgot at the store." Atsushi helped Kyouka put things up on the shelves. "Hm, it's not like he can show that he's a part of the Port Mafia," Kyouka said while preparing instant ramen for both of them and Atsushi just sat down and kept thinking about Akutagawa.

After they finished eating Atsushi washed the dishes and waited for Kyouka to be done in the bathroom. "Why am I thinking about him so much?" Atsushi asked himself trying to get it off his mind but the way that Akutagawa acted so nicely and calmly made him feel something. He didn't know if he was feeling annoyed, angry, surprised? He didn't know how to feel.

Akutagawa had killed so many people yet he could be so calm and good to others? It actually was really cool that he brought that money to Atsushi because it was quite a lot of money and he could've easily taken it for himself. "Why am I thinking about it so much for god's sake!" Atsushi thought "He just gave me the money that I forgot and helped a girl get a jar of jam or something, it's not a big deal!"

"I'm done!" Kyouka said walking out of the bathroom and getting her bed ready to go to sleep. Atsushi got up and walked into the bathroom. He turned on the water and let it run for a few minutes so it would get warm. He took off his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. "God I really need to sleep," he said looking at the bags underneath his eyes. He rubbed his face and finally got into the shower. 

He closed his eyes as he stood under the hot water and here it was again. When he closed his eyes all he could see was Akutagawa. "Fuck no! He's the bad guy and he's gonna kill you and you need to be ready!" Atsushi thought and tried to push away the scary thought that was creeping up in his mind and disturbing his thoughts about hating Akutagawa. 

"What if he can be saved? What if we show him the light? Is it too late-" He finally accepted the thought and opened his eyes. "No way! I hate him! I hate you Akutagawa! I-I guess I hate you..." He said and turned off the water.

He got out of the shower and got dressed in his pajamas. He quietly opened and closed the bathrooms door since he knew Kyouka was already sleeping. He got into the closet, that was now his bed since he wanted Kyouka to feel comfortable, and laid down. 

"I guess I hate you." He silently whispered and closed his eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.

(A/N) So uhm idk if this is good or not because I honestly am bad at writing and thinking of actual plots for books n stuff but I tried. I hope you could at least read one sentence without cringing and yeah. Honestly, this chapter is short but it took me a whole day to write so there is that. I also do not know when I will write the next chapter but I hope it will be soon. K bye now bitches ;)

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