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After a couple of weeks...

I was not in Korea when I arrived. I drove off to my mansion. I walked upstairs. But before I enter my room, I heard a sound of yelling. So I walked toward her room. One of the servers. She rushed out of the room.

What happened? Why is she yelling? I asked. Sir, she continuously got panik attacks. From yesterday. And she had a nightmare too. She said.

I walked inside. She was screaming in pain. Like a drug-addicted man or woman dose. She screathes her hands and faces with her hands. I called the doctor. I ordered to my server and walked towards her, trying to stop her. But she is screaming continuously and screeching her hand. I pulled her into a hug. I tightly hugged her, and she snugled her head into my chest.

She cried a lot. I can feel her pain. Now! She slept. In my arms. I picked her up and placed her on her bed. But she couldn't lose her grip on my hand; she held my hand tightly and murmured something. I try to hear her. I lean down toward her. Please, mom and dad, come back. Please come back.

The doctor has arrived. Now he checks her up. He said I had to take a taste of her. Then I'll be able to say anything. He said. I nodded.

He took some blood from her. And give me some medicine. And I walked out of the room.

I also walked out after him. And rushed into my room.

I walked into my closet to get some comfy clothes. And take a long, hot bath. I lied on my bed. And think about her. How she holds me. How she snuggled herself into me And I don't know when I fall asleep.

~~~~~~~Time skips~~~~~~~~

The doctor arrived again to check her up. I walked toward her room. Hello sir. Doctor bowed. I bowed back. Sir, her reports are Not normal. Someone continuously gave her a drug to make her situation worse.

Her body didn't get those drugs. Again, that's why she reacted like this. She screeches her hands. And many things. Dr said. I was shocked after hearing about the situation. So any treatment for her Dr. I asked. He nodded.

We gave her medicine. But medicine is not the only cure for her. She needs love, attention, and care; she will be well recovered.

He said.

I nodded. He prescribed some medicine. Ok I give her time to time. He nodded. And I walked out of the room.

I felt something for her. I felt pity for her.

She is younger. And she had been through worse. at this young age. Whenever I caught that buster! I killed that monster on the spot.

She woke up. I walked toward her. She got up and leaned her head on the bed. And stared at me. I feed her. She continuously stared at me.

So I asked her. Anything else. Do you need

She nodded. Ok, tell me, then I said. Hug me again tightly. I felt safe in your arms. She said. She hugged me, so I wrapped my arms around her. And I patted her back.

One of my servants came inside. With an ice cream bowl. She gave it to her, but she refused. So I took the bowl from her hand. And feed her. She took one bite. And widened her eyes. Wow. She snatched that bowl from my hand and started eating. I stared at her. When she smiles, a smile already appears on my lips.

She looks even more beautiful when she smiles. I adore her face. Her big doe eyes Long lashes. Her hairs. Everything is perfect. She looks so adorable.

She finished her Bowl of ice cream. And look toward me with pouty eyes.

I want more. I chuckeld. On her face, some cream is on her lips. So I bend toward her. And wipe that cream on her lips. With my thumbs Then she licks her lips. And said. Give me more.

No, that's it! I give you more. When you take your medicines on time, I brought you many more things, like that. Her eyes widened with joy. She again rushed on me and hugged me tightly. Thank you. She kissed me on the cheeks.

I was shocked by whatever she did to me. She started recovering. I was happy to see her recover.

After some days...

I walked toward her room. She again started. screaming, don't touch me. Don't remove my clothes, so I placed them on her bed. She looked at me and dragged me into a hug. Please don't leave me when she hugged me. I saw some red marks on her back and neck.

So I break the hug. And remove her hair strain, which is spread on her neck. There are more marks, and these marks do not look like bruises or rashes. These are hickeys; my blood boiled. Who the hell? In my mansion, This audacity to do this with her.

I walked out and placed a camera in her room.

In the night after having my dinner. I lie on my bed. And I watched her throw the camera, which connected to my laptop.

But there is no one.

I do check my laptop daily. But there is no proof. She has also recovered well.

After some days, I have to go out. So I was on the way. Then I received a call. Sir, you don't have to come. Everything will settle down. So I drove back to my mansion.

I woke upstairs, but before I went to my room, I walked towards her room and slowly opened it. My eyes widened when I saw one of my servants inside with her and hovering over her. She is screaming and yelling continuously.

I rushed inside the room. And grab his colleague, who threw him on the floor. Before I went to beat him more, she stood up and hugged me tightly. Don't go anywhere. Stay with me. I called my guards. And order them to take him to the basement.

She snuggled her face into my chest. I sat with her. She hugged me tightly. So I removed her hands and cupped her cheeks. Her cheeks and nose turned red because she was crying. So I wiped her tears. Nothing will happen to you, ok? Yes, I'll be with you. No one touched you. She nodded.

I laid her down on the bed and petted her head. She continuously stared at me. Did you eat anything or not? She nodded. Ok, so you can sleep here; no one can harm you. I am outside the room, ok? I said that and got out of the room.

I walked to the basement. That ba****, I will kill you. How dare you touch her? I punch his face continuously. He laughed and said, I know I want to be alive after this. You know why she is mad. I have to do whatever I want with her. No one can marry her. So I thought Why would she die? I just helped her and gave her the taste of LI. As he spoke another word, I shot him in the head. Clean up this mess. I ordered and walked out.

I walked towards my room. I take a hot bath. And lay on my bed. Then I heard a knock on my door. I said, Come in. But no one came. So I got up and opened the door.

She is standing in front of the door. She held a pillow in her hand. I stared at her from top to bottom. She wore a simple night dress and was nervously standing and biting her lower lips, which made her dimples more visible and deep. Her innocent eyes had long lashes and long hair.

I want to sleep with you. She finally broke the silence, making pouty lips. I chuckled and gave her a way to come inside.

She is lying on the right side of the bed. My eyes are closed, then I realize a gaze on my face, so I suddenly open my eyes. Her eyes were widening, and quickly she closed her eyes. I chuckled and closed my eyes again. After a while, I felt cold fingers on my cheeks. She was caressing my cheeks.

Then she covered me with a blanket, and she continuously spread her finger in my hair.

I didn't sleep easily because of insomnia. but today I didn't realize it when I slept.

To be continued...

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