trouble - robb stark & jon snow

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➥ where the second prince of westeros catches the eyes of the young heir of winterfell, robb stark, and the bastard of the north, jon snow.

➥ where the second prince of westeros catches the eyes of the young heir of winterfell, robb stark, and the bastard of the north, jon snow

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☾ As the royal family approaches Winterfell, Young Prince M/n relishes in the beauty of the north. He has never been so far away from home before, but at least he's with his family... right?

Prince M/n is the second born son of King Robert and Queen Cersei, he was always the favored child. He was intelligent and cunning, yet caring and soft. He was not cruel like his older brother, Joffery Baratheon. His beauty is beyond compare, ebony-like hair, sea green eyes, sweet plump lips, perfect curves, perfect height, he had it all. Prince M/n is simply the son many wished they had, the man many wanted to be and the man many wanted to marry.

As the gates of Winterfell opened, Prince M/n noticed the people of Winterfell gathered around watching the arrival of him and his family. They bowed and cheered as they passed by. Prince M/n waved and smiled as he acknowledged the people of Winterfell. What he didn't notice was how two young men had trouble looking away from the prince.

Once the royal family approached the Starks, they all held their breathes as King Robert and Lord Stark insulted and teased each other. All Prince M/n could do was lightly smile at the banter between the two long old friends. Once Lord Stark introduced his children, starting from the oldest son and his heir Robb Stark, Prince M/n felt his heart skip a beat.

He has never seen such a dashing promising young man as Robb Stark. The two held eye contact with parted lips as if seeing Heaven for the first time ever. King Robert took the initiative to introduce the second born prince to the Starks. As he spoke neither Robb nor M/n paid any attention to what was being said. 

The felt like they can just stand there and gaze at one another forever, but alas they had a dinner to get prepared for.


The dinner was very lively to say the least. The North was really rowdy and noisy for the royal family. Drinks and food were being thrown around, as the music was blaring through the room. Prince M/n needed a breather, so he slipped his way out of the dance room and went outside in the frosty air that could freeze the life out of someone.

As Prince M/n braced against the chill, his arms rubbing in a futile attempt to generate warmth, he failed to notice the approach of a young boy. With a gentle touch, the boy draped his own coat over the prince's shoulders, offering a selfless act of kindness without expectation of reward or recognition.

He was taken aback by the pleasant warmth and hastily spun around to confront the source, only to find himself face-to-face with a stranger. His heart began to race as he couldn't help but gaze at the attractive man before him. Were all northern men attractive?

"I apologize my prince, I couldn't help but notice you were cold". 

"Thank you, your kindness is greatly appreciated," the prince expressed with a grateful smile.

"I have not seen you before.. umm lord?"

"I must clarify that I am not a lord, Your Grace. I am merely a bastard of Winterfell."

"I don't care whether you are a bastard or a king, you shouldn't put yourself down like that".

Jon Snow was left speechless and bewildered as he felt an overwhelming rush of emotions towards the prince before him, causing him to question everything he thought he knew.

Here was Prince M/n gazing at yet another man with the same lovesick eyes, knowing that all that could come out of this was ... trouble.


Sorry I went a bit M.I.A. for a while. I just lost inspiration and motivation but I'm back. Don't be afraid to send in requests please ( I need some type of prompt ). Bye Guysssssss. 

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