stay - jorah mormont

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in which all Jorah Mormont wants you to do is stay.

➥in which all Jorah Mormont wants you to do is stay

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The battle was finally over. You stood in the carnage, chest heaving, as you tried to catch your breath. All around you, soldiers were tending to the wounded and gathering the dead. It had been a hard won fight, but Daenerys' army was victorious.

You scanned the bloody field for any sign of Jorah. Your heart pounded as you failed to spot his familiar armor. Had he fallen in battle? The thought made your stomach twist in fear.

Just then, you caught sight of him stumbling towards you. Relief flooded through you and you rushed over. "Thank the gods you're alright," you said, clasping his shoulder.

Jorah managed a weary smile. "I told you we'd meet again when the fight was done."

You could see he was hurt - multiple gashes and bruises covered his body. "Come on, let's get you tended to."

You led Jorah away from the battlefield and into a quiet tent. There, you gently helped remove his armor and tunic to assess his injuries. Washing away the blood and grime, you dressed his wounds with a healer's salve.

Jorah watched you work, his eyes full of affection. "I don't know what I'd do without you by my side," he murmured.

You smiled softly. "I'll always be here, Ser. Someone has to keep you out of trouble."

Jorah chuckled then winced in pain. Once he was bandaged up, you helped ease him down onto a cot. His strength was clearly spent.

Seeing him lying there so vulnerable, you felt a surge of emotion. Before you could second guess yourself, you bent down and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. Jorah's eyes widened in surprise before he returned the kiss, one hand coming up to cup your cheek.

When at last you broke for air, he searched your face questioningly. "I've wanted to do that for some time," you confessed.

Jorah's expression softened. He drew you down into his arms, holding you close against his chest. You stayed that way long into the night, needing nothing more than the comfort of each other's embrace.

You awoke still wrapped in Jorah's arms. During the night, you had both fallen asleep on the small cot. Jorah continued to slumber, his bearded face softened in repose. Not wanting to disturb him, you carefully extracted yourself from his embrace. There were duties to attend to after such a fierce battle.

As you moved to stand, a hand grasped your wrist. "Stay a bit longer," Jorah implored, his voice gravelly with sleep.

You smiled down at him. "I wish I could. But we both have obligations to fulfill."

Jorah nodded reluctantly and sat up with a grunt of pain, his injuries still causing him discomfort. You helped him don his tunic and armor, stealing gentle touches and kisses as you worked. A new intimacy had awoken between you after the battle and its aftermath.

"I never properly thanked you for tending my wounds," Jorah said once he was dressed. He drew you into a strong embrace.

You chuckled. "Seeing you alive and well is thanks enough."

Jorah cupped your cheek, his eyes boring intently into yours. "You've become very dear to me. More than I could have hoped." He hesitated, seeming to wrestle with his next words. "When this war is over, I wish to remain by your side...if you'll have me."

Your breath caught at the sincerity and longing in his voice. "Nothing would make me happier," you replied.

Jorah's face broke into a smile. He pulled you into a passionate kiss that conveyed all the words left unspoken. When your lips eventually parted, you knew you would be reunited again soon. Leaving the tent, you both went to fulfill your duties, hearts full of promise for the future.

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