promise - jon snow

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in which jon snow and m/n can't seem to separate and neither wants to.

Amidst the sweeping landscapes of the North, where the air carried the crisp scent of pine and the snow-capped mountains stood tall and proud, Jon Snow found a connection that was as unexpected as it was deeply profound

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Amidst the sweeping landscapes of the North, where the air carried the crisp scent of pine and the snow-capped mountains stood tall and proud, Jon Snow found a connection that was as unexpected as it was deeply profound. In a world marked by uncertainties and dangers, he discovered solace and unwavering affection in the presence of a certain someone – someone whose heart resonated with his own.

Their first meeting had been serendipitous, a chance encounter during a quiet moment by the hearth of Winterfell. Amid the crackling flames, their eyes had met, and a spark of recognition had passed between them as if they were kindred spirits who had been waiting to find each other.

As days turned into weeks, Jon and M/N found themselves drawn together by a shared appreciation for the simple moments that life had to offer. They would often steal away from the demands of their duties, seeking refuge in the hidden corners of Winterfell or beneath the vast expanse of the northern sky.

One crisp morning, as the sun cast a warm golden hue across the snowy landscape, Jon and M/N ventured beyond the castle's walls for a leisurely walk. The cold air nipped at their cheeks, but their hands found warmth in the gentle grip they shared. As they walked side by side, their conversation flowed effortlessly, as though they had known each other for a lifetime.

"You know," M/N mused, "there's something truly magical about the North. It's as if the land itself holds stories of generations past."

Jon smiled, his eyes reflecting the shimmer of sunlight on snow. "I've often felt the same way. The North has a history that's woven into every fiber of its being."

As the wind whispered secrets through the trees, M/N turned to Jon, their gaze filled with a soft tenderness as he looked up to Jon. "You're a part of that history too, Jon. A legacy of strength and honor."

Jon's heart swelled at the words, and he reached out to tuck a loose strand of M/N 's hair behind their ear. "And you, you're a part of my story now. A chapter I never knew was missing until you came along."

Underneath the vast sky, their fingers intertwined, they shared a moment that transcended time and place. It was a connection that held promises of something deeper, something that defied the boundaries of their world.

As their bond deepened, they became inseparable, finding comfort in each other's arms and solace in shared dreams. In the quiet moments, they would steal glances that spoke volumes, their unspoken emotions swirling like a hidden river beneath the surface.

One evening, as they stood on a balcony overlooking the snowy landscape, M/N leaned into Jon's side, his head resting against his shoulder. "Jon, I've never felt this way before – this sense of belonging and warmth."

Jon's arm wrapped around M/N , holding him close. "Nor have I. It's as if you've brought a piece of summer to the North, even in the midst of winter."

M/N chuckled softly. "I suppose that's the magic of love, isn't it? It has the power to thaw even the coldest of places."

With a gentle touch, Jon lifted M/N 's chin, their gazes locking in an intimate dance of affection. "I never want to be separated from you. The thought of parting... it feels like losing a part of myself."

M/N 's smile was soft, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears of happiness. "Then let's make a promise, Jon. Let's promise that we'll face whatever challenges come our way, that we'll never let go of each other."

Jon's thumb brushed against the reader's cheek, wiping away a tear that had escaped. "I promise. I'll stand by your side, through every storm and every sunrise. With you, I've found a love that's as unyielding as the North itself."

Hand in hand, they stood there, their love a beacon of light against the backdrop of their rugged world. In a realm marked by uncertainty, Jon and the reader had discovered a love that refused to be extinguished – a love that would forever bind their hearts, ensuring that they would never be parted, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

Through the passage of time, Jon and M/N 's love only grew stronger, rooted deep within the very essence of their souls. Their days were woven with shared laughter, stolen glances, and the warmth of each other's presence. The people of Winterfell soon recognized the depth of their connection, for it radiated like a beacon of hope in a world fraught with struggles.

As the seasons shifted and the world beyond Winterfell remained turbulent, Jon and M/N stood as a steadfast pillar of strength for each other. They faced challenges with unwavering resolve, their bond serving as a source of inspiration to those around them.

One particularly cold winter's night, when the stars adorned the sky like diamonds and the moon cast an ethereal glow, Jon and M/N found themselves by the hearth once again. The crackling flames illuminated the room with a warm, golden light, casting flickering shadows that danced upon the walls.

Nestled on a cushioned seat, M/N gazed at Jon with eyes full of affection. "Do you ever think about what lies beyond the horizon, Jon? The adventures that await, the unknown lands?"

Jon sat beside him, his hand finding its way to M/N 's, their fingers entwining naturally. "I used to wonder, especially when I was younger. But now, with you by my side, the greatest adventure feels like being here, sharing these moments."

M/N 's smile was a gentle affirmation of their feelings. "I understand that sentiment, Jon. Sometimes, the most profound journeys are the ones we take with the people we love."

In that quiet room, amidst the warmth of the fire's glow, Jon leaned in, his lips brushing against M/N 's forehead. "You're my greatest journey, my love. Every moment with you is an adventure of its own."

As winter gave way to spring, Jon and M/N found themselves exploring the realms of the North hand in hand, breathing in the fragrant air of blooming flowers and witnessing the world's renewal. With every step, they reinforced their promise to face whatever challenges arose together.

One evening, beneath the vibrant hues of a sunset, they stood atop a hill, the wind carrying their whispered words like secrets to the sky.

"I'm grateful for every day we share, Jon," M/N said, his voice soft with emotion.

Jon turned to him, his eyes reflecting the sunset's brilliance. "And I'm thankful for every moment you've brought into my life. With you, every day is a gift."

Their lips met in a tender kiss, a testament to the love that had grown, solidified by the passage of time. As they pulled away, their foreheads touched, their breaths mingling in the space between them.

"I wish we could freeze this moment, make time stand still," M/N confessed.

Jon's arms wrapped around him, his touch offering both warmth and reassurance. "If only we could, my love. But let's treasure every moment we have, and make the most of the time we're given."

M/N  nodded, his heart brimming with contentment. "Together, we can face whatever comes our way, Jon. As long as we have each other."

Hand in hand, they descended from the hill, their love illuminating the path before them like a guiding light. In the heart of the North, amidst a world marked by change and uncertainty, Jon and M/N had found a love that was unbreakable, a connection that refused to be severed. With hearts intertwined, they continued their journey – an adventure of a lifetime – holding onto each other with a love that was as enduring as the North itself.

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