myself - jaime lannister

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in which jaime lannister feels his best when he's around the scholar, m/n.

In the bustling halls of the Red Keep, where the clashing currents of politics and intrigue often threatened to drown out personal feelings, Jaime Lannister sought respite in the most unexpected of sanctuaries – the castle library

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In the bustling halls of the Red Keep, where the clashing currents of politics and intrigue often threatened to drown out personal feelings, Jaime Lannister sought respite in the most unexpected of sanctuaries – the castle library. Within its walls, the air was scented with the timeless fragrance of ancient parchment, and the soft flicker of candlelight cast an almost mystical glow, creating an atmosphere of hushed tranquility amidst the chaos.

It was here that Jaime's path frequently intersected with M/N's, a diligent scholar whose charming smile and insatiable curiosity had a magnetic pull on Jaime's attention. Their initial encounters had been marked by nothing more than polite nods and casual pleasantries, yet over time, those exchanges evolved into something infinitely more profound.

One quiet afternoon, as sunbeams filtered through the tall windows, Jaime found M/N fully engrossed in deciphering the text of an ancient tome. Enraptured by M/N's dedication, Jaime leaned casually against a nearby bookshelf, watching the play of emotions across M/N's features. A fond smile tugged at his lips as he observed M/N's furrowed brow and intent focus. When M/N eventually looked up, their eyes met in a collision of shared understanding that transcended mere words.

As days gave way to weeks, the library became a haven for their burgeoning connection. Conversations that spanned topics ranging from history to literature flowed between them effortlessly, a symphony of intellectual exchange that, with each note, seemed to harmonize their hearts just a little bit more.

One evening, after immersing themselves in a wealth of manuscripts, Jaime found himself mustering a newfound courage. He extended an invitation to M/N for a leisurely stroll along the castle walls, a mere suggestion that belied the depth of his intentions. The sun was in the midst of its descent, casting hues of warm orange and delicate pink across the sky. They walked side by side, a light-hearted camaraderie in their step, as they shared tales from their pasts.

M/N laughed, their eyes dancing with mirth. "It's an experience, really, having a conversation that seamlessly transitions from dissecting battle strategies to fervently discussing the nuances of poetry."

Jaime's cerulean eyes sparkled with playful mischief. "Flexibility has always been one of my many talents, M/N."

Their laughter mingled with the gentle breeze, and M/N's gaze softened as they walked. "With you, Jaime, I feel like I've found a friend who not only sees me but truly understands me."

Jaime's smile was genuine, a testament to the warmth he felt. "In your presence, I don't have to be the Kingslayer or the Lion of Lannister. I can simply be Jaime."

Under a star-studded sky, on a night illuminated by celestial brilliance, Jaime and M/N stood on a balcony, their emotions laid bare.

M/N looked skyward, their voice a whisper carried by the wind. "I never expected to find someone like you, Jaime. Someone who sees beyond the surface and delves into the depths of the soul."

Drawing closer, Jaime's fingers brushed against M/N's hand. "M/N, most of my life has been a dance of roles, a symphony of masks to please others. But when I'm with you, I'm free. I can be Jaime – just myself."

M/N turned to face him, their eyes locking in an unspoken vow. "And with you, I'm not just a scholar immersed in dusty tomes. With you, I'm alive."

Emotion surged within Jaime, propelling him to gently cup M/N's cheek. "M/N, I've chosen you time and time again because, when I'm with you, you inspire me to aspire to the best version of myself. You've made me believe in the power of love."

A tender smile curved M/N's lips, and they leaned in, sealing their unspoken sentiments with a soft, lingering kiss. The kiss spoke volumes of their unspoken longing, a pledge of love that had defied adversity and grown stronger through it.

As seasons shifted and the currents of intrigue continued to churn within the walls of the Red Keep, Jaime and M/N's love remained an unwavering sanctuary. They stood together, resilient through trials, their bond deepening with each challenge they overcame.

On a sunlit morning, amidst the blossoming serenity of the castle gardens, Jaime took M/N's hand in his, gazing into their eyes with unwavering affection. "M/N, every day, I choose you – because without you, my world is incomplete."

M/N's heart swelled with joy, and they pressed a gentle kiss to Jaime's lips. "And you, Jaime, are the reason I wake up every morning with a smile. You are my choice, my love, my heart."

Hand in hand, they strolled through the garden, their love an exquisite warmth amidst the cacophony of chaos. Through every victory and every obstacle, they chose each other – embodying the power of connection and the profound beauty of two hearts that had found solace and love in each other's embrace

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