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    "My Passerby Is Passing by the Male Lead's Studio Today [Entertainment Circle]"

    Author: Su Xingchuan


    In Huaguo, there is a bloody five-member boy band, ABCDE. Except for the protagonist E who has no sense of existence, everyone else They are all jj male lead configurations.

    A is a reborn person. He was wronged since he was a child. In his previous life, he was used as a stand-in by the CEO. His coordinates are bloody. The relationship between man and man in his body is extremely complicated, and he is caught in various Shura grounds and wife chasing crematoriums every day.

    B is a top scorer in the college entrance examination, but he is actually a big shot through the ages. He is good at all kinds of national quintessence paintings in daily life, and the paintings are known as national treasures. The coordinates are all in Shuangwen.

    C is a person with superpowers. Every night in his dream, he would fast-forward through various movies to be acted in, coordinating illusions, and is known as an experiential acting genius.

    D is an infinite stream player. He suddenly disappeared for ten minutes during daily activities and went to the dungeon for various reasons. Therefore, he is notorious for his poor kidney function and haunted by supernatural events. He is famous in the circle for being good at extreme sports. Coordinate magic.

    Only our protagonist E is the only person in this colorful boy group who has no superpowers and no bloody plots, but he is often forced to get involved in the colorful life of ABCD.

    For example, when a group of CEOs tried to go to the crematorium, E would occasionally pass by while playing on their mobile phones, and said, "Please wait in line today, too."

    Occasionally, when B is doing four-digit multiplication by four-digit mental calculation, he will press the calculator on the phone next to him and say "Oh, that's how it is".

    Occasionally, when C accidentally reveals that he has passed through the movie and looks at him nervously, he tilts his head, neither saying that he saw it, nor saying that he

    didn't see it. And when C complained that the scene was very challenging, he played with his mobile phone and said, "But if it's C, there must be a way." Occasionally, when going to the toilet, he would appear out of thin air

    with a bloody face and watch him suddenly appear in horror. When my own D was face to face, I said calmly: "There is still 20 minutes to play, can you wash your face in time?"

    E thinks he is a person who lives a peaceful life, and the other four teammates think that he sees everything so horrible.

    On the second anniversary of the boy group, ABCDE accepted an interview.

    Reporter: Among the five members of your boy group, there is A who is the center of bloody scandals, there is B, the god of learning who will return home to inherit the family business without hard work, and C, the once-in-a-century acting genius who has experienced school, There is D, who is famous for his temperament and mysterious and supernatural events, and... who is always complained about playing mobile phones, mixing circles like clocking in and commuting, and E, who is as boring as a passerby... Who do you think is the most hidden person?

    A: E

    B: E

    C: E

    D: E

(BL)[MTL) This passer-by is also passing by the actor's studio today Where stories live. Discover now