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Chapter 111 A Little World View

    "Do the same thing again."

    These were the first four words that came to Yi Wan's mind.

    The others showed anger faster than Yi Wan. Before the song ended, An Yelin and Chi Jixia had already stood up from their seats at the same time. After looking at each other, An Yelin first expressed his question: "This song of yours is very good. I want to know... who is your arranger?" His voice was depressed and cold, and his anger was far greater

    than When questioning anyone in the past. Yi Wan noticed that the three people who belonged to SEAL were expressionless even when they were questioned.

    They all looked at Boss Lan in unison as they greeted each other, waiting for his answer.

    This uniform movement is creepy... as if they are no longer human, but...

    depersonalized puppets.

    The depersonalized dolls, the songs that the dolls sang, the four male protagonists who are quarreling angrily, and the smiling puppet master Mr. Lan on the stage...all these make up an extremely absurd and comical scene. picture.

    Why did he need to face such a scene? Why did he need to face such a life?

    Yi Wan started to choke. He felt his throat buried under the water, and the black lake named Absurd was drowning him from head to toe. At the top of the Black Lake, the Gray Palace and the society were staring at him. Mr. Lan stared at the lake and said, "SEAL is our perfect combination..."

    'Yi Wan, it's your turn. A voice whispered in his ear, "An Yelin can't do anything, Chi Jixia can't do anything, Bo Jiang can't do anything... Besides you, who else can change this situation?" '

    'You don't want to see the group's first title song being plagiarized like this, do you? Even when it's being sung by someone else, you can hear how perfect it is. You can fully imagine how popular it will be upon release. '

    A strange voice echoed in the Blu-ray building. The sound slanted down from the "hui"-shaped mouth, as if it had some kind of suction, which made people's spirit float up and float...

    It was as if the soul suddenly fell back into the body from mid-air. Yi Wan gave a jolt and got up suddenly!


    He didn't notice Ding Biehan beside him. The other party stretched out his hand and looked at him in astonishment, as if trying to grab his sleeve. The young man with black hair and dark eyes pursed his lips. He glanced at Boss Lan, and at An Yelin who was arguing...

    Then he turned around, opened the door and ran out!

    Ding Biehan:! !

    Brother Liu turned around, "Damn..."

    He glanced at Ding Biehan, who stood up and said, "I'll go..." A

    familiar feeling hit his spine, Ding Biehan paused.

    Brother Liu: "?"

    Ding Biehan: "Toilet."

    After speaking, he turned and ran in the opposite direction.

    Brother Liu: ...

    An Yelin and Chi Jixia are still arguing with the people from SEAL. An Yelin was so angry that he picked up the collar of one of them. Chi Jixia was quite calm, with a sloppy smile on his face, he asked Mr. Lan: "...It's not interesting, I'm just curious about the composer, and I admire him a lot, and I want to meet him—Mr. Lan won't Don't you even give this little face?"

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