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Chapter 71

    "Master Wang!"

    With a flash of inspiration, the female writer followed Yi Wan's train of thought and yelled out that sonorous and powerful name. The crowd fell into a brief silence, and immediately looked at Chairman Wang who was sitting on the edge of the crowd.

    Wang presiding was twenty-seven years old, with almond-shaped eyes and deep red tear moles. He raised his head and argued as if he had been scalded, with veins popping out of his neck: "How can you smear people's innocence out of thin air..." The

    truth revealed by Yi Wan not only made him wronged, but also increased his self-confidence . Since all the things in this house are not ghosts or dead people, but organs, the host Wang feels that he can be fearless.

    Female writer: "Then why did he imprison you?"

    Host Wang: "Because I saw it in his refrigerator..."

    Host Wang paused.

    If according to what Yi Wan said, all the heads in the refrigerator are just props for the haunted house...

    Then why did Boss Fu lock him up to silence him?

    Tell him it's just a prop... no?

    Host Wang felt terrified of thinking about it again. The conspiracies contained in this Fu's house were beyond his imagination. He only spoke half a sentence, then stopped again, because he remembered the threat Fu Qisheng's bodyguards had made to him.

    If Fu Qisheng really killed someone...

    Chairman Wang didn't dare to think about it, so he didn't dare to argue. When everyone saw that he had shut up, they showed expressions of "you acquiesce".

    "It turned out to be like this." The staff in the camera seemed to have been struck by lightning, "This show is just Mr. Fu's conspiracy from the beginning to the end.

    " , What a touching love story!" Another staff member lamented.

    "But can this kind of thing really be broadcast? I'm sure it won't be harmonized by the censorship bureau, or torn apart by Fu Qisheng's fans..."

    "Traffic is the hot spot, and what are the fans tearing us up for? We didn't hold Fu Qisheng's hand and let him imprison the king."... "So this is


    truth about this haunted house? There are no ghosts, nothing A supernatural event. The only thing that exists is the mechanism set up by Fu Qisheng, and a...conspiracy to imprison people?" Bo Jiang said.

    "Really, Fu Qisheng is fine, even I was fooled by his acting skills..."

    Chi Jixia muttered dubiously, and felt that Bo Jiang was looking at him again. That look full of suspicion and admiration sent a chill down his spine. He quickly looked away.

    Singer Zhao fell down on the sofa with a dejected expression. The contract between her and Boss Fu, which Yi Wan found out, drained her last bit of strength. But she still struggled to death: "What nonsense are you talking about here? Where is Mr. Fu? At least let Mr. Fu come out and explain!" "Yes." Everyone began to wonder again, "Where is Mr. Fu?" "That's


    . "The female writer said, "Ding Biehan doesn't seem to be there either..."

    After everyone's discussion, Yi Wanhid raised the corners of her lips slightly.

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