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Chapter 126 Strange

    There was no sound on the other end of the phone.

    Brother Liu: "...?"

    Brother Liu: "

    Yi, Yi Wan?" He said vaguely, "Don't worry, nothing will happen..."

    The phone hung up.

    Brother Liu was very silent. Ding Biehan and Chi Jixia, who were homeless on the sofa, were puzzled. Brother Liu finally said, "Yi Wan has gone home too."

    There were only two homeless people left in Hongtuan's dormitory. Chi Jixia leaned on the sofa to watch TV, and threw the pillow in his hand to Ding Biehan. Ding Biehan threw the pillow back impatiently.

    "What are you doing?"

    "Both of us were abandoned by Yi Wan, one me and the other you." Chi Jixia said, "You are an orphan, right? Do you want to play Switch together?" Chi Jixia can even care about

    people So much to say. Ding Biehan actually just muttered absently for a while, and said: "I'm going to the bathroom."

    But this time it wasn't for entering the dungeon.

    He went into the toilet and turned the tap to the maximum. His pale face was reflected in the mirror.

    At the same time, in the AT boss's office.

    The secretary was watching the man quietly.

    The man stares at the neon lights outside the window.

    On the neon sign is a poster of Hongtuan.

    "I'm old!" The old man who has been a coquette all his life put his hand on the glass, "I'm old, and AT is also old. When I came here, the company only had three floors. Do you know the three-story building? ? Not even an elevator. But AT is already the best idol agency in the country."

    "The president has witnessed the changes of the entire agency, and even the entire city," the secretary said.

    "It's not me, it's the young people from generation to generation who inject new blood into it and start a new era. We bet before the beginning of each era, betting on the new fashion of the next era, from rock punk to diva male Group, every generation we have won the bet. But now I can’t keep up with the trend of the times.” The man sighed, “Electronic music is playing on the golf course, but I’m drinking tequila and listening to rockabilly. Our time has passed, right? Even my own son has become a monster that I can't catch. AT can grow old, but it must not die in my hands." Secretary: "So

    Hong Tuan."

    The man's finger slid down and landed on the English letters of Hong Tuan: "But the current trend is too bad. If you try your best to catch up with the fashion, you can't catch up... So we spelled out this tuan. The bet on the fashion of the next era is also the last bet."

    Secretary: "But this is too radical. Do you have to put four eggs in one basket?"

    "How can you win Blu-ray if you don't win by surprise? At least, There is a suitable foil for these four eggs." The boss said, "The success of their first album is the latest result of our bet." Secretary: "The boss is far-sighted. You told

    Ding Biehan about it today Did you?"

    Boss: "I mentioned it. Although it was mentioned in a vague way because of the way of nature, Ding Biehan must have understood our good intentions. After all, among the four people, Ding Biehan is the one with the most stable mood Ah."

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