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Chapter 57 Designing the Studio (Part 1)

    "Yi Wan, congratulations. This time is our victory." Zhang Jianhua looked at the phone and said, "This will be a very good hotspot suitable for digging again. It is very suitable for you, a 'hard-working ordinary person' —Crawling out from the deepest abyss, from a stone covered with moss and mud, to polishing yourself up bit by bit."

    Yi Wan didn't say anything. He also put three playing cards into the card box. Zhang Jianhua didn't notice his expression, and continued: "The response on the Internet is very enthusiastic. Let me see..." He

    looked through Yi Wan's schedule: "Next week, you will go to shoot the magazine cover and accept an exclusive interview The deputy editor-in-chief of "Deep Blue" and I are classmates. Maybe we can consider adding a link to the magazine, about you and Jiang Bei, combined with this song, and do an exclusive interview." "No, Brother Zhang." Yi

    Wan Said, "Just do an interview with the group."

    Zhang Jianhua frowned. He felt that Yi Wan might not have understood what he meant, and explained: "This is the rebirth of nirvana after stepping on a hot spot. This is for you and for the group. It's a good publicity. And since you've bumped into Jiang Bei, why don't you use the last value of this matter to the end." "

    I've taken back everything he owed me from him. Between me and him This debt has been paid off. I will not be the one who is owed, nor the one who asks too much." Yi Wan said, "It's enough for this." When he said this, he had no expression, saying

    no Joy is not a pity. When Zhang Jianhua looked at the black-haired and fair-skinned boy, he blinked, vaguely feeling that he looked like a meticulous computer.

    However, he respected Yi Wan's opinion: "Then do as you wish—now that the rumors about you holding back the team have been cleared up, and the matter of you getting the song back has gained a certain degree of positive enthusiasm. The matter ended like this It’s clear—as long as you don’t regret it later.”

    Yi Wan looked up at him: “Why do you regret it?”

    “Lan Hua’s entertainment company, Blu-ray Entertainment, has been in contact with Jiang Bei recently. They are interested in Jiang Bei’s topicality. , I want to use him to make another fortune—" Zhang Jianhua stared at him, "Are you sure you don't want this interview?"

    "He owes me, and I've already got it back." Yi Wan still said the same thing, "Brother Zhang, I am very grateful for your advice on that song before. But I also believe that the next fan attraction, I can only rely on my efforts."

    "Just like you said." He looked at him with dark eyes, "The live production of the album is very suitable for me."

    Zhang Jianhua frowned, planning to persuade him again—— Until his cell phone rang. When he looked down and saw the text message, he felt a little embarrassed.

    "I won't be in the company after seven o'clock in the evening these two days." Zhang Jianhua coughed and asked, "If you have anything to do, please contact Brother Liu." Yi Wan: "Brother Zhang is with a

    friend Are you going out?"

    "...What kind of friends are you?" Zhang Jianhua said with a wry smile, "overnight shift."

    He didn't talk about the interview any more, and just looked at his phone, worried. Seeing the expression on his frowning, Yi Wan reminded him, "Brother Zhang."

    Zhang Jianhua:?

    Yi Wan: "The state stipulates that workers should not work more than 44 hours a week." "

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